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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing E, M, R, U and X

ADMIXTURESadmixtures n. Plural of admixture.
ADMIXTURE n. the action of mixing.
AUXOCHROMEauxochrome n. (Obsolete, chemistry) any atom or group which, when added to a chromophore, causes a bathochromic shift…
AUXOCHROME n. a group of atoms that can be attached to a chromogen to convert it into a dye.
AUXOMETERSauxometers n. Plural of auxometer.
AUXOMETER n. an instrument for measuring magnifying power.
CIRCUMFLEXcircumflex n. A diacritical mark (ˆ) placed over a vowel in the orthography or transliteration of many languages to…
circumflex adj. Having a circumflex mark.
circumflex adj. Curving around.
COMMIXTUREcommixture n. The act or state of being mixed together; a union or mingling of constituents; commixtion.
COMMIXTURE n. the act of mixing.
EXOSPORIUMexosporium n. (Botany) The outer layer of a pollen grain or spore; the exine.
EXOSPORIUM n. the outermost layer of spores of certain bacilli.
EXTRAMURALextramural adj. Taking place outside the walls of an institution, especially a school or university.
extramural adj. Describing teaching of students who are not resident at such an institution.
EXTRAMURAL adj. outside the walls or fortifications; outside, but under the aegis of e.g. a university.
FLUXMETERSFLUXMETER n. any instrument for measuring magnetic flux.
HEXAMEROUShexamerous adj. (Botany) In six parts; occurring in sixes.
HEXAMEROUS adj. having six parts.
IMMIXTURESimmixtures n. Plural of immixture.
IMMIXTURE n. freedom from mixture; purity.
MICROLUXESmicroluxes n. Plural of microlux.
MICROLUX n. a unit of illumination.
REMIXTURESremixtures n. Plural of remixture.
REMIXTURE n. the act of remixing.
SCRUMPOXESSCRUMPOX n. (slang) rugby slang for impetigo spread by players' faces rubbing together in the scrum.
SUPERMAXESsupermaxes n. Plural of supermax.
SUPERMAX n. a jail with the highest level of security.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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