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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing E, M, O, X and Y

AXONOMETRYaxonometry n. Axonometric projection.
AXONOMETRY n. the branch of crystallography concerned with measurement of the axes of crystals.
COMPLEXIFYcomplexify v. To make something more complex; to complicate.
COMPLEXIFY v. to render complex.
COMPLEXITYcomplexity n. (Uncountable) The state of being complex; intricacy; entanglement.
complexity n. (Countable) That which is and renders complex; intricacy; complication.
COMPLEXITY n. the state of being complex.
EXIMIOUSLYeximiously adv. In an eximious way; with distinction, outstandingly.
EXIMIOUS adv. (archaic) choice, excellent.
EXOENZYMESexoenzymes n. Plural of exoenzyme.
EXOENZYME n. an enzyme that functions outside the cell producing it.
HYPOXAEMIAhypoxaemia n. Alternative spelling of hypoxemia.
HYPOXAEMIA n. a deficiency of oxygenation of the blood, also HYPOXEMIA, HYPOXIA.
HYPOXAEMIChypoxaemic adj. Alternative form of hypoxemic.
HYPOXAEMIC adj. relating to hypoxaemia, a deficiency of oxygenation of the blood.
HYPOXEMIAShypoxemias n. Plural of hypoxemia.
HYPOXEMIA n. deficiency of oxygenation of the blood, also HYPOXAEMIA, HYPOXIA.
MONEYBOXESmoneyboxes n. Plural of moneybox.
money␣boxes n. Plural of money box.
MONEYBOX n. a box for keeping money in.
MYXAMOEBAEmyxamoebae n. Plural of myxamoeba.
MYXAMOEBA n. a cell produced by a spore, also MYXAMEBA.
MYXAMOEBASmyxamoebas n. Plural of myxamoeba.
MYXAMOEBA n. a cell produced by a spore, also MYXAMEBA.
MYXOEDEMASmyxoedemas n. Plural of myxoedema.
MYXOEDEMA n. a skin disease, marked by swelling and dryness, due to insufficient thyroid secretion, also MYXEDEMA.
MYXOEDEMICmyxoedemic adj. Alternative form of myxedemic.
MYXOEDEMIC adj. relating to myxoedema, a skin disease, also MYXEDEMIC.
MYXOMYCETEmyxomycete n. Any protozoan of the phylum Myxomycota; the slime molds.
MYXOMYCETE n. slime mould.
OXIDIMETRYoxidimetry n. (Chemistry) Any form of volumetric analysis using an oxidizing agent such as potassium permanganate.
OXIDIMETRY n. a branch of volumetric analysis in which oxidizing agents are used in titrations.
PROTOXYLEMprotoxylem n. The first xylem to form in a plant.
PROTOXYLEM n. the first part of the xylem to be formed.
XYLOCHROMExylochrome n. (Archaic) A kind of dye derived from the tannin in wood.
XYLOCHROME n. a mixture of substances to which the colour of heartwood is due.
XYLOMETERSxylometers n. Plural of xylometer.
XYLOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the specific gravity of wood.
XYLOTOMIESXYLOTOMY n. the preparation of wood for microscopic examination.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 82 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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