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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing E, L, 2T and X

BATTLEAXESbattleaxes n. Plural of battleaxe.
battle-axes n. Plural of battle-ax.
battle␣axes n. Plural of battle axe.
CONTEXTUALcontextual adj. Of, pertaining to, or depending on the context of information; relating to the situation or location…
CONTEXTUAL adj. relating to context.
DEXTRALITYdextrality n. The state of being dextral.
DEXTRALITY n. right-handedness.
EXALTATIONexaltation n. The act of exalting or raising high; also, the state of being exalted; elevation.
exaltation n. The refinement or subtilization of a body, or the increasing of its virtue or principal property.
exaltation n. (Astrology) That placement of a planet in the zodiac in which it is deemed to exert its strongest influence.
EXFILTRATEexfiltrate v. (Military) To withdraw troops surreptitiously from a dangerous position.
exfiltrate v. (Computing) To covertly extract data.
exfiltrate n. That which is exfiltrated, the removed substance or item.
EXTOLMENTSextolments n. Plural of extolment.
EXTOLMENT n. praise.
EXTRADOTALextradotal adj. (Obsolete, law) Describing the part of a wife’s property that does not form part of her dowry and is…
EXTRADOTAL adj. forming no part of the dowry; as, extradotal property.
EXULTANTLYexultantly adv. In an exultant manner.
EXULTANT adv. exulting.
EXULTATIONexultation n. The act of exulting; great joy at success or victory, or at any advantage gained; rapturous delight.
EXULTATION n. the act of exulting.
GEOTEXTILEgeotextile n. Any strong, permeable fabric used in earthworks for any of a number of purposes, including separation…
GEOTEXTILE n. any strong synthetic fabric used in civil engineering, as to retain an embankment.
NONTEXTUALnontextual adj. Not textual.
NONTEXTUAL adj. not textual.
PLAINTEXTSplaintexts n. Plural of plaintext.
PLAINTEXT n. text that is not encrypted in any way.
PRATTLEBOXprattlebox n. A talkative person; a chatterbox.
PRATTLEBOX n. a prattler, a chatterbox.
SEXTUPLETSsextuplets n. Plural of sextuplet.
SEXTUPLET n. one of six children born in a multiple birth.
SUBTEXTUALsubtextual adj. Pertaining to subtext.
SUBTEXTUAL adj. relating to a subtext, an underlying theme in a literary work.
TEXTUALISMtextualism n. Strict adherence to a text, especially to the Bible.
textualism n. (Law) A formalist legal theory that interprets based on the ordinary meaning of the legal text.
textualism n. Textual criticism, especially that of the Bible.
TEXTUALISTtextualist n. A practitioner or adherent of textualism.
textualist adj. Relating to textualism.
TEXTUALIST n. a person learned in, or a strict adherer to, the text, esp. of the Bible.
TEXTUALITYtextuality n. (Literature, linguistics) The attributes that distinguish a text as an object of study.
TEXTUALIZEtextualize v. (Transitive) To make textual; to set down in, or reduce to, text.
TEXTURALLYtexturally adv. In a textural manner, relating to texture.
TEXTURAL adv. pertaining to the surface characteristics of something.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 83 words
  • Scrabble in French: 41 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 64 words

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