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There are 14 ten-letter words containing E, L, O, Q and T

BLOQUISTESBloquistes n. Plural of Bloquiste.
BLOQUISTE n. (Canadian) a supporter of autonomy for Quebec.
BLOTTESQUEblottesque adj. (Art) Characterized by blots or heavy touches; coarsely depicted; lacking delineation.
blottesque n. (Art) An artwork characterized by blots or heavy touches.
BLOTTESQUE adj. characterized by blots or heavy touches; coarsely depicted.
COEQUALITYcoequality n. The condition of being coequal.
COEQUALITY n. the state of being on an equality, as in rank or power.
COLLIQUATEcolliquate v. (Rare) To melt or liquefy.
COLLIQUATE v. (obsolete) to melt, fuse.
COQUELICOTcoquelicot n. A reddish-orange colour; poppy.
coquelicot adj. Having a reddish-orange poppy colour.
COQUELICOT n. (French) a brilliant red, poppy red.
ELOQUENTLYeloquently adv. In an eloquent manner; stated well.
ELOQUENT adv. fluent in speech.
EQUATIONALequational adj. Of, pertaining to, or constructed using equations.
EQUATIONAL adj. relating to an equation.
EQUATORIALequatorial adj. Of, near, or relating to the equator.
equatorial adj. (Organic chemistry) perpendicular to the plane of a ring.
equatorial n. (Astronomy) A kind of telescope mounted so as to have two axes of motion at right angles to each other…
INELOQUENTineloquent adj. Not eloquent.
INELOQUENT adj. not eloquent.
POLITIQUESpolitiques n. Plural of politique.
POLITIQUE n. (French) in French history, a member of a moderate party between Huguenots and Catholics.
QUATREFOILquatrefoil n. (Architecture) A symmetrical shape that forms the overall outline of four partially-overlapping circles…
quatrefoil n. (Heraldry) A stylized flower or leaf with four lobes.
QUATREFOIL n. a four-petalled flower or leaf of four leaflets; an openwork design or ornament divided by cusps into four lobes, also QUATREFEUILLE.
QUESTORIALquestorial adj. Alternative form of quaestorial.
QUESTORIAL adj. relating to a questor, also QUAESTORIAL.
QUODLIBETSquodlibets n. Plural of quodlibet.
QUODLIBET n. (Latin) a philosophical or theological point proposed for disputation; a whimsical combination of familiar melodies or texts.
UNQUOTABLEunquotable adj. Not quotable; that cannot be quoted.
UNQUOTABLE adj. not quotable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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