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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing E, H, R, V and Y

EVERYTHINGeverything pron. (Literally) All the things under discussion.
everything pron. (Colloquial, hyperbolic) Many or most things.
everything pron. (Colloquial) A state of well-being (from all parts of the whole).
EVERYWHEREeverywhere adv. In or to all locations under discussion.
everywhere adv. (Colloquial, hyperbolic) In or to a few or more locations.
every␣where adv. Obsolete form of everywhere.
FEVERISHLYfeverishly adv. With excitement and determination.
feverishly adv. With speed; rapidly.
FEVERISH adv. having a fever.
HOVERINGLYhoveringly adv. While hovering; so as to hover.
HOVERING adv. HOVER, to hang suspended in the air.
HYDROVANEShydrovanes n. Plural of hydrovane.
HYDROVANE n. a hydrofoil.
HYPERDRIVEhyperdrive n. (Science fiction) A spaceship engine that allows faster-than-light travel by entering hyperspace.
hyperdrive n. A state of accelerated action.
HYPERNOVAEhypernovae n. Plural of hypernova.
HYPERNOVA n. an exploding star than produces even more energy and light than a supernova.
HYPERNOVAShypernovas n. Plural of hypernova.
HYPERNOVA n. an exploding star than produces even more energy and light than a supernova.
LIVERISHLYliverishly adv. In a liverish manner.
LIVERISH adv. having a liver disorder.
LOVEWORTHYloveworthy adj. Lovable, worthy or deserving of love.
LOVEWORTHY adj. lovable.
LOVEWORTHY n. a person worthy of being loved.
OVERHYPINGoverhyping v. Present participle of overhype.
OVERHYPE v. to hype to excess.
OVERMIGHTYovermighty adj. Excessively mighty.
OVERMIGHTY adj. too powerful.
OVERRASHLYoverrashly adv. With excessive rashness.
OVERRASH adv. excessively rash.
SHRIEVALTYshrievalty n. The office, jurisdiction, or tenure of a sheriff.
SHRIEVALTY n. the office of sheriff, also SHERIFFALTY.
SUPERHEAVYsuperheavy adj. Having far greater weight than usual.
superheavy adj. (Physics) Describing a transuranic element with an extremely high atomic number; typically taken to…
superheavy adj. (Linguistics, of a syllable) stressed more than is usual.
ULTRAHEAVYultraheavy adj. (Physics, chemistry) Describing any atom that has a very large atomic weight; especially those that…
ultraheavy adj. Extremely or exceedingly heavy; of utmost heaviness.
ULTRAHEAVY adj. very very heavy.
VENOGRAPHYvenography n. (Medicine) A diagnostic procedure in which an X-ray of the veins, a venogram, is taken after a special…
VENOGRAPHY n. radiography of a vein after injection of a contrast medium.
VIPERISHLYviperishly adv. In a viperish manner.
VIPERISH adv. like a viper.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 84 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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