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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing E, G, 2T and Y

AGENTIVITYagentivity n. (Grammar) The state or condition of being agentive.
AGENTIVITY n. the state of being agentive.
AGITATEDLYagitatedly adv. In an agitated manner.
AGITATED adv. AGITATE, to stir violently.
DIGITATELYdigitately adv. In a digitate fashion.
DIGITATE adv. of a leaf, divided into fingerlike parts, also DIGITATED.
ERGATIVITYergativity n. (Linguistics) The property of a grammar’s (or, by extension, a language’s) being ergative; the attribute…
ERGATIVITY n. the state of being ergative, a grammatical case found in certain languages.
ETHYLATINGethylating v. Present participle of ethylate.
ethylating adj. That serves to ethylate.
ETHYLATE v. to introduce the ethyl group into.
EYELETTINGeyeletting v. Present participle of eyelet.
EYELET v. to make a small hole in.
FORGETTERYforgettery n. (Humorous) A poor memory that is inclined to forget things.
FORGETTERY n. (colloquial) a capacity for forgetting.
GAMETOCYTEgametocyte n. (Cytology) A diploid germ cell that divides by meiosis into a gamete.
GAMETOCYTE n. a cell that divides to produce gametes.
GNETOPHYTEgnetophyte n. Any of the plant division Gnetophyta, consisting of woody plants that differ from other gymnosperms…
GNETOPHYTE n. a type of plant including welwitschia.
NEGATIVITYnegativity n. The characteristic of being pessimistic or contrarian.
negativity n. Negative sentiment.
negativity n. (Physics) The characteristic of having a negative charge.
STEATOPYGAsteatopyga n. (Archaic) A remarkable accretion of fat upon the buttocks of Africans of certain tribes, especially Khoekhoe women.
STEATOPYGA n. an excessive development of fat on the buttocks, esp. on females, also STEATOPYGIA.
TELETYPINGteletyping v. Present participle of teletype.
TELETYPE v. (tradename) to send by teletypewriter.
TEMPTINGLYtemptingly adv. In a tempting manner.
TEMPTING adv. attractive.
TERATOGENYteratogeny n. (Teratology) teratogenesis.
TERATOGENY n. the formation of monsters.
TERATOLOGYteratology n. (Medicine) The study of congenital malformations, their development, and people with them.
teratology n. (Toxicology) The study of the mechanisms, teratogenic agents, or teratogens, in bringing about malformations.
teratology n. The study or cataloging of monsters.
TESTIFYINGtestifying v. Present participle of testify.
TESTIFY v. to bear witness.
TROGLODYTEtroglodyte n. A member of a supposed prehistoric race that lived in caves or holes, a caveman.
troglodyte n. (By extension) Anything that lives underground.
troglodyte n. A reclusive, reactionary or out-of-date person, especially if brutish.
TUTOYERINGtutoyering v. Present participle of tutoyer.
TUTOYER v. (French) to address familiarly.
YATTERINGSyatterings n. Plural of yattering.
YATTERING n. the act of yattering.
ZEITGEISTYzeitgeisty adj. (Informal) Conforming to the zeitgeist.
ZEITGEISTY adj. of, relating to, or typical of the zeitgeist.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 85 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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