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There are 18 ten-letter words containing E, F, 2O and V

COFAVORITEcofavorite n. A joint favorite to win a sporting event.
COFAVORITE n. a joint favourite.
CONFERVOIDconfervoid adj. Resembling conferva algae.
CONFERVOID adj. relating the confervae, freshwater algae.
CONFERVOID n. a freshwater alga.
FEVERROOTSfeverroots n. Plural of feverroot.
FEVERROOT n. an American wild plant.
FLAVORSOMEflavorsome adj. Characterised or marked by flavor(s); flavorful.
FLAVORSOME adj. full of flavor, also FLAVOURSOME.
FOREHOOVESforehooves n. Plural of forehoof.
FOREHOOF n. the hoof of a forefoot.
FOVEOLATEDfoveolated adj. Foveolate.
FOVEOLATED adj. like a foveola, a small depression, also FOVEOLATE.
ISOFLAVONEisoflavone n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of polyphenolic phytoestrogens found in soybeans and similar plants…
ISOFLAVONE n. a plant oestrogen, found esp. in soy beans, having possible nutritional benefits.
OVERFAVORSoverfavors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overfavor.
OVERFAVOR v. to favor excessively.
OVERFAVOURoverfavour v. Alternative form of overfavor.
OVERFAVOUR v. to favour excessively.
OVERFLOODSoverfloods v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overflood.
OVERFLOOD v. to flood excessively.
OVERFLOWEDoverflowed v. Simple past tense and past participle of overflow.
OVERFLOW v. to flow over the top of.
OVERFOLDEDoverfolded v. Simple past tense and past participle of overfold.
OVERFOLD v. to fold over.
OVERFONDLYoverfondly adv. With excessive fondness.
OVERFOND adv. foolish to excess.
OVERINFORMoverinform v. To inform, excessively.
OVERINFORM v. to inform excessively.
OVEROFFICEOVEROFFICE v. to domineer over by virtue of office.
OVERPROOFSoverproofs n. Plural of overproof.
overproofs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overproof.
OVERPROOF n. a spirit with a higher content of alcohol than standard spirit.
SOFTCOVERSsoftcovers n. Plural of softcover.
SOFTCOVER n. a paperback book.
VOCIFEROUSvociferous adj. Making or characterized by a noisy outcry; clamorous.
vociferous adj. Vocally and forcefully opinionated.
VOCIFEROUS adj. marked by or given to vehement insistent outcry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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