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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 2E, L, M and X

AMPLEXUSESAMPLEXUS n. (Latin) the mating embrace of frogs.
COMPLEXESTcomplexest adj. Superlative form of complex: most complex.
COMPLEX adj. complicated.
COMPLEXONEcomplexone n. (Chemistry) A substance that aids in forming coordination complexes, especially a potent chelating ligand…
COMPLEXONE n. any chelating agent, such as EDTA, used for the analytical determination of metals.
EXAMINABLEexaminable adj. Able to be examined.
examinable adj. Eligible to appear in an examination.
EXAMINABLE adj. that can be examined.
EXCLAIMERSexclaimers n. Plural of exclaimer.
EXCLAIMER n. one who exclaims.
EXILEMENTSexilements n. Plural of exilement.
EXILEMENT n. banishment.
EXOTHERMALexothermal adj. Exothermic.
EXOTHERMAL adj. of a chemical reaction, giving out heat, also EXOTHERMIC.
EXTEMPORALextemporal adj. (Archaic) Extemporaneous.
EXTEMPORAL adj. extemporaneous; unpremeditated.
EXTOLMENTSextolments n. Plural of extolment.
EXTOLMENT n. praise.
FLEXITIMESflexitimes n. Plural of flexitime.
FLEXITIME n. a system that allows flexible working hours, also FLEXTIME.
FLEXTIMERSFLEXTIMER n. one who works flextime.
FLUXMETERSFLUXMETER n. any instrument for measuring magnetic flux.
HEXAMETRALhexametral adj. Hexametric.
HEXAMETRAL adj. like a hexameter, also HEXAMETRIC, HEXAMETRICAL.
MEGAPIXELSmegapixels n. Plural of megapixel.
MEGAPIXEL n. one million pixels.
MEGAPLEXESmegaplexes n. Plural of megaplex.
MEGAPLEX n. a large building having many movie theaters.
METAXYLEMSmetaxylems n. Plural of metaxylem.
METAXYLEM n. a part of the primary xylem.
PLEXIMETERpleximeter n. (Medicine) A small, hard, elastic plate, as of ivory, bone, or rubber, placed in contact with the body…
PLEXIMETER n. a small plate to receive the tap in examination by percussion, also PLESSIMETER.
PLEXIMETRYpleximetry n. The use of the pleximeter.
PLEXIMETRY n. the use of a pleximeter, a small, hard, elastic plate, as of ivory, bone, or rubber, placed in contact with body to receive the blow, in examination by mediate percussion.
UNEXAMPLEDunexampled adj. Lacking prior examples; unprecedented.
UNEXAMPLED adj. having no example or similar case; being without precedent.
XYLOMETERSxylometers n. Plural of xylometer.
XYLOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the specific gravity of wood.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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