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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing E, I, J and V

ADJECTIVEadjective n. (Grammar) A word that modifies a noun or noun phrase or describes a noun’s referent.
adjective n. (Obsolete) A dependent; an accessory.
adjective adj. (Grammar) Adjectival; pertaining to or functioning as an adjective.
ADJUSTIVEadjustive adj. Tending to adjust.
ADJUSTIVE adj. tending to adjust.
BIJECTIVEbijective adj. (Mathematics, of a map) Both injective and surjective.
bijective adj. (Mathematics) Having a component that is (specified to be) a bijective map; that specifies a bijective map.
BIJECTIVE adj. having the properties of a bijection, a kind of mapping function.
CUNJEVOIScunjevois n. Plural of cunjevoi.
CUNJEVOI n. (Native Australian) a kind of sea squirt found on Australian reefs and rocks and used as bait.
EJECTIVESejectives n. Plural of ejective.
EJECTIVE n. a sound produced with air compressed above the closed glottis.
INJECTIVEinjective adj. (Mathematics) of, relating to, or being an injection: such that each element of the image (or range)…
INJECTIVE adj. being a one to one mathematical function.
JAROVISEDJAROVISE v. to hasten the flowering of a plant, also JAROVIZE.
JAROVISESJAROVISE v. to hasten the flowering of a plant, also JAROVIZE.
JAROVIZEDJAROVIZE v. to hasten the flowering of a plant, also JAROVISE.
JAROVIZESJAROVIZE v. to hasten the flowering of a plant, also JAROVISE.
JAVELINASjavelinas n. Plural of javelina.
JAVELINA n. (Spanish) a wild boar, aka peccary.
JAVELINEDjavelined v. Simple past tense and past participle of javelin.
JAVELIN v. to pierce with a light spear.
JIVEASSESjive-asses n. Plural of jive-ass.
JIVEASS n. (colloquial) a person who loves fun and excitement.
JUVENILESjuveniles n. Plural of juvenile.
JUVENILE n. a young person.
JUVENILIAjuvenilia n. (Literature, plural only) Works produced during an artist’s or author’s youth.
JUVENILIA n. (Latin) works of one's youth; early works of an artist or author.
OBJECTIVEobjective adj. Of or relating to a material object, actual existence or reality.
objective adj. Not influenced by the emotions or prejudices.
objective adj. Based on observed facts; without subjective assessment.
REJECTIVErejective adj. Tending to reject.
REJECTIVE adj. rejecting, or tending to reject.
VERJUICEDverjuiced adj. Of a person: sour; bitter.
VERJUICE v. to make sour with verjuice.
VERJUICESverjuices n. Plural of verjuice.
VERJUICE v. to make sour with verjuice.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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