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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing E, H, I and J

DEMIJOHNSdemijohns n. Plural of demijohn.
demi-johns n. Plural of demi-john.
DEMIJOHN n. (French) a large bottle having a wicker case.
HIJACKERShijackers n. Plural of hijacker.
HIJACKER n. one that hijacks, also HIGHJACKER.
JACINTHESJACINTHE n. an orange colour.
JAILHOUSEjailhouse n. A building containing a prison.
JAILHOUSE n. a prison.
JEHADISMSJEHADISM n. promotion of jehad, also JIHADISM.
JEHADISTSjehadists n. Plural of jehadist.
JEHADIST n. one who takes part in a jehad, also JEHADI, JIHADI, JIHADIST.
JELLYFISHjellyfish n. An almost transparent aquatic animal; any one of the acalephs, especially one of the larger species…
jellyfish n. A sudoku technique involving possible cell locations for a digit, or pair, or triple, in uniquely four…
jelly-fish n. Alternative spelling of jellyfish.
JEWELFISHjewelfish n. Any fish in the genus Hemichromis, native to Africa.
JEWELFISH n. a brightly-coloured African cichlid.
JEWFISHESjewfishes n. Plural of jewfish.
JEWFISH n. a large marine fish of Florida and the Gulf of Mexico.
JOCKEYISHJOCKEYISH adj. like a jockey.
JOKESMITHjokesmith n. (Humorous) A person who devises jokes.
JOKESMITH n. (archaic) a composer of jokes.
JUDGESHIPjudgeship n. The office or status of a judge.
JUDGESHIP n. the office of a judge.
JUICEHEADjuicehead n. (Slang, dated) An alcoholic.
juicehead n. (Slang) A bodybuilder that uses, or appears to use, steroids and is of poor intellect or by extension any large male.
juice-head n. Alternative form of juicehead.
MIJNHEERSmijnheers n. Plural of mijnheer.
MIJNHEER n. (Dutch) the Dutch equivalent of Mr. or Sir; hence, a Dutchman, also MENEER, MYNHEER.
MUJAHEDINmujahedin n. Alternative form of mujahideen.
MUJAHEDIN n. (Arabic) Islamic fundamentalist freedom fighters, also MOJAHEDIN, MUJAHEDDIN, MUJAHEDEEN, MUJAHIDEEN, MUJAHIDIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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