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There are 19 nine-letter words containing E, G, P and V

DEPRAVINGdepraving v. Present participle of deprave.
DEPRAVE v. to corrupt in morals.
DEPRIVINGdepriving v. Present participle of deprive.
DEPRIVE v. to take something away from.
GRAPEVINEgrapevine n. The plant, a vine of genus Vitis, on which grapes grow.
grapevine n. A rumor.
grapevine n. An informal person-to-person means of circulating information or gossip.
PAGEVIEWSpageviews n. Plural of pageview.
PAGEVIEW n. an electronic display of one page of information.
PALSGRAVEpalsgrave n. (Historical) A count palatinate of the Holy Roman Empire, possessing near-royal powers within his county.
PALSGRAVE n. (Dutch) a count palatine.
PERVADINGpervading v. Present participle of pervade.
PERVADE v. to permeate the whole.
PREMOVINGpremoving v. Present participle of premove.
PREMOVE v. to incite or prompt to action.
PREPAVINGPREPAVE v. to pave beforehand.
PREVENINGprevening v. Present participle of prevene.
PREVENE v. to precede, anticipate.
PREVISINGprevising v. Present participle of previse.
PREVISE v. to foresee.
PRIVILEGEprivilege n. (Ecclesiastical law, now chiefly historical) An exemption from certain laws granted by the Pope.
privilege n. (Countable) A particular benefit, advantage, or favor; a right or immunity enjoyed by some but not others;…
privilege n. An especially rare or fortunate opportunity; the good fortune (to do something).
PULVERINGpulvering v. Present participle of pulver.
PULVER v. to reduce to powder.
PURGATIVEpurgative adj. (Capable of) purging.
purgative n. Something, such as a substance or medicine, that purges; laxative.
PURGATIVE adj. serving to purge.
PURVEYINGpurveying v. Present participle of purvey.
PURVEY v. to supply.
REPRIVINGrepriving v. Present participle of reprive.
REPRIVE v. (Spenser) to reprieve, also REPREEVE, REPRYVE.
REPROVINGreproving v. Present participle of reprove.
reproving adj. Expressing reproof; reproachful or admonishing.
reproving n. The act of giving a reproof.
REPRYVINGrepryving v. Present participle of repryve.
REPRYVE v. (Spenser) to reprieve, also REPREEVE, REPRIVE.
REVAMPINGrevamping n. Gerund of revamp: an act of improving, renewing, renovating, or revising something.
revamping v. Present participle of revamp.
REVAMPING n. renovation.
UPHEAVINGupheaving v. Present participle of upheave.
upheaving n. Upheaval.
UPHEAVE v. to heave up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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