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There are 19 eight-letter words containing E, N and 2V

BEVVYINGbevvying v. Present participle of bevvy.
bevvying n. (Britain) drinking (alcohol).
BEVVY v. to engage in a drinking session.
CONVIVEDconvived v. Simple past tense and past participle of convive.
CONVIVE v. to feast together.
CONVIVESconvives n. Plural of convive.
convives v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of convive.
CONVIVE v. to feast together.
CONVOLVEconvolve v. (Transitive) To roll together, or one part on another.
convolve v. (Mathematics) To form the convolution of something with something else.
convolve v. (Computing) To compute the convolution function.
CRIVVENScrivvens interj. (Scotland, chiefly Dundee) An exclamation of astonishment or horror.
CRIVVENS interj. (Scots) an interjection expressing dismay, also CRIVENS.
EVENTIVEeventive adj. (Grammar) That denotes an event.
eventive n. (Grammar) A word or construct that denotes an event.
EVENTIVE adj. denoting an event.
EVINCIVEevincive adj. Tending to prove; having the power to demonstrate; demonstrative; indicative.
EVINCIVE adj. tending to evince.
EVOLVENTevolvent n. (Geometry) The involute of a curve.
EVOLVENT n. an involute curve.
EVOLVINGevolving v. Present participle of evolve.
EVOLVE v. to develop.
INVASIVEinvasive adj. Of or pertaining to invasion; offensive.
invasive adj. (Military, also figuratively) That invades a foreign country using military force; also, militarily aggressive.
invasive adj. (By extension).
INVOLVEDinvolved adj. Complicated.
involved adj. Associated with others, be a participant or make someone be a participant (In a crime, process, etc.).
involved adj. Having an affair with someone.
INVOLVERinvolver n. Someone or something that involves.
INVOLVER n. one who involves.
INVOLVESinvolves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of involve.
INVOLVE v. to implicate or entangle.
LOVEVINElove␣vine n. Any of various Cassytha species alleged to have aphrodisiac properties.
love␣vine n. Clematis virginiana, virgin’s bower a North American ornamental vine.
love␣vine n. Any of various Cuscuta species confused with Cassytha.
REVIVINGreviving v. Present participle of revive.
reviving n. A revival; a bringing back to life.
REVIVING adj. restorative.
UNIVALVEunivalve adj. Having one valve; typically used to refer to mollusks, notably slugs and snails.
univalve adj. Consisting of a single valve or piece, used to refer to a shell.
univalve n. A univalve mollusk or its shell.
VENVILLEvenville n. (Historical) A system of tenure in Dartmoor, England, allowing residents to graze animals on the moor…
VENVILLE n. a form of tenure in parishes around Dartmoor.
VERVAINSvervains n. Plural of vervain.
VERVAIN n. a wild verbena, believed to have magical powers, also VERVEN.
VESUVIANVesuvian adj. Of or relating to Mount Vesuvius.
Vesuvian n. One who inhabits the area around Mount Vesuvius.
Vesuvian n. (Dated) A kind of match or fusee for lighting cigars.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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