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There are 16 eight-letter words containing E, J, P and U

CAJEPUTSCAJEPUT n. (Malay) a volatile oil, distilled from the leaves of an East Indian tree, also CAJAPUT, CAJUPUT, KAJEPUT.
JUMPABLEjumpable adj. Able to be jumped.
JUMPABLE adj. able to be jumped.
JUMPIESTjumpiest adj. Superlative form of jumpy: most jumpy.
JUMPY adj. nervy.
JUMPROPEjump␣rope n. (Uncountable) (also jump-roping, jumping rope) The activity, game or exercise in which a person must…
jump␣rope n. The length of rope, sometimes with handles, casing or other additions, used in that activity.
jump␣rope n. (Colloquial) A single jump in this game or activity, counted as a measure of achievement.
JUMPSIESJUMPSIES n. a game involving jumping over a taut rope.
JUNIPERSjunipers n. Plural of juniper.
JUNIPER n. an evergreen coniferous shrub whose berries are used in making gin.
KAJEPUTSKAJEPUT n. (Malay) a volatile oil, distilled from the leaves of an East Indian tree, also CAJAPUT, CAJEPUT, CAJUPUT.
OVERJUMPoverjump v. (Transitive) To jump over.
overjump v. (Transitive, obsolete) To omit or ignore.
overjump v. (Intransitive) To jump too far or too high.
PERJUREDperjured v. Simple past tense and past participle of perjure.
PERJURE v. to make a perjurer of.
PERJURERperjurer n. Someone who has committed perjury by lying under oath.
PERJURER n. one guilty of perjury.
PERJURESperjures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of perjure.
PERJURE v. to make a perjurer of.
PREJUDGEprejudge v. (Transitive, intransitive) To form a judgment of (something) in advance.
PREJUDGE v. to judge beforehand.
PULSEJETpulsejet n. (Aeronautics) a valved jet engine where combustion occurs in pulses, as used in the V-1 flying bomb.
pulse␣jet n. Alternative spelling of pulsejet.
PULSEJET n. in jet propulsion, an intermittent jet, also PULSOJET.
PULSOJETpulsojet n. Alternative form of pulsejet.
PULSOJET n. in jet propulsion, an intermittent jet, also PULSEJET.
SUPERJETsuperjet n. A jet aircraft with some superior quality, such as large size or high speed.
SUPERJET n. a type of jet airplane.
UPJETTEDupjetted v. Simple past tense and past participle of upjet.
UPJET v. to spout up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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