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There are 18 seven-letter words containing E, P, T and Z

BAPTIZEbaptize v. (Christianity) To perform the sacrament of baptism by sprinkling or pouring water over someone or immersing…
baptize v. To dedicate or christen.
baptize v. (Archaic, slang) Of rum, brandy, or any other spirits, to dilute with water.
EPAZOTEepazote n. A pungent herb used in Latin-American cooking and tea making, and in folk medicine; Dysphania ambrosioides.
EPAZOTE n. a herb of the goosefoot family.
PATZERSpatzers n. Plural of patzer.
PATZER n. (German) an inept chess player, also POTZER.
PECTIZEpectize v. To congeal; to change into a gelatinous mass.
PECTIZE v. to congeal to a jelly, also PECTISE.
PEPTIZEpeptize v. To disperse in a medium so as to form a colloidal solution.
PEPTIZE v. to form a colloidal solution, also PEPTISE.
PEZANTSpezants n. Plural of pezant.
PEZANT n. a peasant, also PESANT, PESAUNT.
PLOTZEDplotzed v. Simple past tense and past participle of plotz.
PLOTZ v. (Yiddish) to explode, esp. with intense emotion.
PLOTZESplotzes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of plotz.
PLOTZ v. (Yiddish) to explode, esp. with intense emotion.
POETIZEpoetize v. (Transitive) To make poetic.
poetize v. (Intransitive) To compose poetry.
POETIZE v. to write poetry, also POETISE.
POTZERSpotzers n. Plural of potzer.
POTZER n. (German) an inept chess player, also PATZER.
PRETZELpretzel n. (Cooking) A toasted bread or cracker usually in the shape of a loose knot.
pretzel n. (By extension) Anything that is knotted, twisted, or tangled.
pretzel v. (Transitive, North American, informal) To bend, twist, or contort.
SPATZLEspatzle n. Alternative spelling of spaetzle.
spätzle n. Alternative spelling of spaetzle.
SPATZLE n. (German) in Jewish cooking, a small dumpling, also SPAETZLE.
SPITZESspitzes n. Plural of spitz.
SPITZ n. (German) a breed of dogs with long hair.
TOPAZEStopazes n. Plural of topaz.
TOPAZ n. (Greek) a precious stone, a silicate of aluminium and fluorine.
TRAPEZEtrapeze n. (Archaic, geometry) A trapezium.
trapeze n. A swinging horizontal bar suspended at each end by a rope, used by gymnasts.
trapeze n. (Anatomy) The trapezium bone.
ZAPATEOzapateo n. A competitive stamping dance with percussive footwork, historically popular among the gauchos of South America.
ZAPATEO n. (Spanish) a Spanish dance.
ZAPTIEHzaptieh n. A Turkish policeman.
ZAPTIEH n. (Turkish) a Turkish policeman, also ZABTIEH, ZAPTIAH.
ZOOTYPEzootype n. (Biology) A proposed archetype of the form of all animals, based not on a shared body plan but on conserved…
zootype n. (Symbology) An animal totem; an animal (or animal figure) that is taken as symbolic of a deeper abstraction.
ZOOTYPE n. an animal serving as a type.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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