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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 17 seven-letter words containing E, M, T and X

EXEMPTSexempts n. Plural of exempt.
exempts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of exempt.
EXEMPT v. to free from liability.
EXOTISMexotism n. A product or feature of exotic quality.
EXOTISM n. something exotic.
EXTREMAextrema n. Plural of extremum.
EXTREMUM n. (Latin) a maximum or minimum of a mathematical function.
EXTREMEextreme adj. Of a place, the most remote, farthest or outermost.
extreme adj. In the greatest or highest degree; intense.
extreme adj. Excessive, or far beyond the norm.
MARTEXTmartext n. (Obsolete, rare) A blundering preacher.
MARTEXT n. an ignorant preacher.
MEATAXEmeataxe n. Alternative form of meat axe.
meat␣axe n. A cleaver used for chopping meat.
MEATAXE n. a meat cleaver.
METHOXYmethoxy n. (Organic chemistry, especially in combination) The univalent radical CH3-O- derived from methanol.
methoxy- pref. Alternative form of methoxy.
METHOXY n. a drug that is claimed to increase muscle size and is taken as a supplement by some athletes.
MIXIESTmixiest adj. Superlative form of mixy: most mixy.
MIXY adj. mixed.
MIXTAPEmixtape n. (Music) A compilation of songs on a tape, usually encompassing many different artists and assembled…
mix␣tape n. Alternative spelling of mixtape.
MIXTAPE n. a compilation of songs from various sources.
MIXTUREmixture n. The act of mixing.
mixture n. Something produced by mixing.
mixture n. Something that consists of diverse elements.
PREMIXTpremixt adj. Archaic spelling of premixed.
PREMIX v. to mix before use.
TAXEMEStaxemes n. Plural of taxeme.
TAXEME n. any element of language that can affect the meaning of an utterance.
TAXEMICtaxemic adj. Relating to taxemes.
TAXEMIC adj. relating to a taxeme, a unit of grammatical relationship.
TAXIMENtaximen n. Plural of taximan.
TAXIMAN n. the driver of a taxicab.
TEXTISMtextism n. An abbreviation used in text messaging.
TEXTISM n. the language, or a particular usage, characteristic of text messages.
TOXEMIAtoxemia n. Blood poisoning; adverse reaction to toxic byproducts of systemic infection.
TOXEMIA n. blood poisoning due to toxins in blood, also TOXAEMIA.
TOXEMICtoxemic adj. Affected by or otherwise relating to toxemia, organically poisoned.
TOXEMIC adj. relating to toxemia, blood poisoning due to toxins in blood, also TOXAEMIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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