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There are 20 seven-letter words containing E, M, O and X

AXONEMEaxoneme n. (Biology) A bundle of nine microtubules forming the internal scaffolding of a cilium, with two extra…
AXONEME n. a central strand of a locomotor organelle such as a cilium or flagellum.
BUXOMERbuxomer adj. Comparative form of buxom: more buxom.
BUXOM adj. healthily plump.
COMPLEXcomplex adj. Made up of multiple parts; composite; not simple.
complex adj. Not simple, easy, or straightforward; complicated.
complex adj. (Mathematics, of a number) Having the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is (by definition)…
EMBOXEDemboxed v. Simple past tense and past participle of embox.
EMBOX v. to set in a box.
EMBOXESemboxes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of embox.
EMBOX v. to set in a box.
EXODERMexoderm n. An outer layer of skin.
exoderm n. The outermost layer of cells in a developing embryo.
EXODERM n. the external layer of an embryo, also ECTODERM, EPIBLAST.
EXOGAMYexogamy n. Marriage to a person belonging to a tribe or group other than one’s own as required by custom or law.
exogamy n. (Biology) the fusion of two unrelated gametes.
EXOGAMY n. marriage outside a particular group.
EXOMIONexomion n. (Rare) Synonym of exomis (“Ancient Greek tunic”).
EXOMION n. a Roman sleeveless garment, also EXOMIS.
EXONYMSexonyms n. Plural of exonym.
EXONYM n. a name for a town in a foreign language.
EXOSMICEXOSMIC adj. relating to exosmose, a form of osmosis.
EXOTISMexotism n. A product or feature of exotic quality.
EXOTISM n. something exotic.
HOMOSEXhomosex n. (Sexuality) Homosexual sexual intercourse.
HOMOSEX n. (short for) homosexuality.
IMPOSEXimposex n. (Biology) The development in certain marine gastropod mollusks of sex organs in contrast to their actual…
IMPOSEX n. the superimposition of male sexual characteristics onto female gastropods, caused by certain pollutants.
METHOXYmethoxy n. (Organic chemistry, especially in combination) The univalent radical CH3-O- derived from methanol.
methoxy- pref. Alternative form of methoxy.
METHOXY n. a drug that is claimed to increase muscle size and is taken as a supplement by some athletes.
OVERMIXovermix v. To mix too thoroughly.
OVERMIX v. to mix too much.
OXYMELSoxymels n. Plural of oxymel.
OXYMEL n. (Greek) a mixture of honey, water, vinegar, and spice, boiled to a syrup.
OXYSOMEoxysome n. (Biology) One of the small round bodies found in the folds of the cristae in the inner mitochondrial…
OXYSOME n. a structural unit of cellular cristae.
TOXEMIAtoxemia n. Blood poisoning; adverse reaction to toxic byproducts of systemic infection.
TOXEMIA n. blood poisoning due to toxins in blood, also TOXAEMIA.
TOXEMICtoxemic adj. Affected by or otherwise relating to toxemia, organically poisoned.
TOXEMIC adj. relating to toxemia, blood poisoning due to toxins in blood, also TOXAEMIC.
XEROMASxeromas n. Plural of xeroma.
XEROMA n. (Greek) a dry lustreless condition of the conjunctiva, also XEROPHTHALMIA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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