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There are 19 seven-letter words containing E, L, U and X

ASEXUALasexual adj. Nonsexual in nature, unmarked by sexual activity.
asexual adj. (Especially of a person) Not experiencing sexual attraction; lacking interest in or desire for sex.
asexual adj. (Biology) Lacking distinct sex, lacking sexual organs.
CULEXESCULEX n. (Latin) a genus of insects, including the mosquito.
EXCLUDEexclude v. (Transitive) To bar (someone or something) from entering; to keep out.
exclude v. (Transitive) To expel; to put out.
exclude v. (Transitive) To omit from consideration.
EXCUSALexcusal n. The act of excusing or of being excused.
EXCUSAL n. an acceptance of an excuse.
EXPULSEexpulse v. To expel.
EXPULSE v. (obsolete) to expel.
EXULLEDEXUL v. (Spenser) to exile.
EXULTEDexulted v. Simple past tense and past participle of exult.
EXULT v. to rejoice greatly.
EXUVIALexuvial adj. Related to something sloughed off or stripped away.
EXUVIAL adj. of or pertaining to exuviae, cast skins, shells, or coverings of animals.
FLEXUREflexure n. The act of bending or flexing; flexion.
flexure n. A turn; a bend; a fold; a curve.
flexure n. (Anatomy) A curve or bend in a tubular organ.
FLUXIVEfluxive adj. Flowing; lacking solidity.
FLUXIVE adj. (Shakespeare) flowing with tears.
FUNPLEXFUNPLEX n. a building with facilities for sports and games.
LINUXESLinuxes prop.n. Plural of Linux.
LINUX n. (tradename) a nonproprietary computer operating system for personal computers.
LUREXESLUREX n. (tradename) a thin glittery thread.
LUXATEDluxated v. Simple past tense and past participle of luxate.
LUXATE v. to put out of joint.
LUXATESluxates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of luxate.
LUXATE v. to put out of joint.
MILIEUXmilieux n. Plural of milieu.
MILIEU n. (French) a social environment.
PLEXUREplexure n. The act or process of weaving together, or interweaving; that which is woven together.
PLEXURE n. an interweaving.
TEXTUALtextual adj. Of or pertaining to text.
textual adj. Pertaining to text messages, by analogy with sexual: textual harassment, textual intercourse; compare sexting.
TEXTUAL adj. pertaining to a text.
ULEXITEulexite n. (Mineralogy) A white mineral with triclinic crystals, NaCaB5O9·8H2O.
ULEXITE n. a hydrous borate of lime and soda occurring in white rounded crystalline masses.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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