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There are 18 seven-letter words containing E, L, M and Z

DAMOZELdamozel n. Obsolete form of damsel.
DAMOZEL n. (archaic) a young girl or unmarried woman, also DAMOISEL, DAMOISELLE, DAMOSEL, DAMSEL, DEMOISELLE.
EMBLAZEemblaze v. (Transitive) To kindle; set ablaze.
emblaze v. (Transitive) To adorn with glittering embellishments; cause to glitter or shine.
emblaze v. (Transitive, poetic) To illuminate; to etch or display in a bright, fiery way; blazon.
IMBLAZEimblaze v. Archaic form of emblaze.
IMBLAZE v. to adorn with glittering embellishments, also EMBLAZE.
KLEZMERklezmer n. (Countable) A Jewish folk musician.
klezmer n. (Music, uncountable) A type of popular Jewish folk music especially associated with Ashkenazi cultures.
KLEZMER n. (Yiddish) a style of music, part Jewish, part big-band.
MAZEDLYmazedly adv. (Archaic) In an astonished or bewildered manner.
MAZED adv. MAZE, to bewilder.
MAZEFULmazeful adj. (Obsolete) Causing amazement; wonderful.
mazeful adj. Mazy.
mazeful n. A quantity that fills or forms a maze.
MEAZELSmeazels n. Plural of meazel.
MEAZEL n. (Shakespeare) a leper, spoken in contempt of a mean person, also MESEL.
MEZAILSmezails n. Plural of mezail.
MEZAIL n. a visor, esp. one made in two parts, also MESAIL.
MEZCALSmezcals n. Plural of mezcal.
MEZCAL n. (Nahuatl) a distilled liquor prepared in Mexico from a species of agave, also MESCAL.
MILTZESMILTZ n. in Jewish cookery, the spleen.
MIZZLEDmizzled v. Simple past tense and past participle of mizzle.
mizzled v. (Humorous) Deliberate misspelling of misled.
MIZZLE v. to rain in fine droplets, also MISTLE.
MIZZLESmizzles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mizzle.
MIZZLE v. to rain in fine droplets, also MISTLE.
MOZZLEDMOZZLE v. (Hebrew) to hamper or impede (someone); to hex or give bad luck to (someone).
MOZZLESMOZZLE v. (Hebrew) to hamper or impede (someone); to hex or give bad luck to (someone).
MUZZLEDmuzzled v. Simple past tense and past participle of muzzle.
muzzled adj. Wearing a muzzle.
muzzled adj. Forcibly restrained from speaking or publishing an unwelcome or dangerous opinion.
MUZZLERmuzzler n. One who or that which muzzles.
muzzler n. A pickpocket working individually, apart from their normal gang.
muzzler n. (Nautical) A wind from the intended direction of the vessel.
MUZZLESmuzzles n. Plural of muzzle.
muzzles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of muzzle.
MUZZLE v. to cover the mouth of.
SCHMELZSchmelz prop.n. A surname from German.
SCHMELZ n. (German) a kind of glass of a red or ruby color, made in Bohemia, also SCHMELZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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