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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 17 seven-letter words containing E, J, P and R

APAREJOaparejo n. A kind of packsaddle formerly used in the American military and among the Spanish Americans, made of…
APAREJO n. (Spanish) a kind of pack saddle used in the American military service and among the Spanish Americans.
JASPERSjaspers n. Plural of jasper.
Jaspers prop.n. A surname.
JASPER n. a red variety of chert, its color coming from minute particles of included hematite, also JASP, JASPIS.
JASPERYjaspery adj. Resembling jasper.
JASPERY adj. of or like jasper, also JASPEROUS, JASPIDEAN, JASPIDEOUS.
JEEPERSjeepers interj. Used to express surprise.
JEEPERS interj. used as a mild oath.
JEOPARDjeopard v. (Transitive, archaic) To put in jeopardy; to expose to loss or injury.
JEOPARD v. to put in jeopardy; to imperil.
JETPORTjetport n. (Dated) An airport served by jet aircraft.
JETPORT n. an airport for jets.
JIMPIERJIMPY adj. (Scots) neat.
JUMPERSjumpers n. Plural of jumper.
Jumpers prop.n. Plural of Jumper.
JUMPER n. a type of overall, slipped over the head.
JUMPIERjumpier adj. Comparative form of jumpy: more jumpy.
JUMPY adj. nervy.
JUNIPERjuniper n. Any shrub or tree of the genus Juniperus of the cypress family, which is characterized by pointed, needle-like…
juniper n. One of a number of coniferous trees which resemble junipers.
juniper n. (UK, slang, archaic) Gin.
PERJINKperjink adj. (Scotland) Meticulously neat and precise; prim or finicky.
PERJINK adj. (Scots) prim, finical, also PERJINKETY, PREJINK.
PERJUREperjure v. (Reflexive) To knowingly and willfully make a false statement of witness while in court.
perjure v. (Transitive) To cause to violate an oath or a vow; to cause to make oath knowingly to what is untrue;…
perjure v. (Transitive) To make a false oath to; to deceive by oaths and protestations.
PERJURYperjury n. (Law) The deliberate giving of false or misleading testimony under oath.
PERJURY n. false swearing under oath in a judicial proceeding.
PREJINKPREJINK adj. (Scots) prim; finical, also PERJINK, PERJINKETY.
PROJECTproject n. A planned endeavor, usually with a specific goal and accomplished in several steps or stages.
project n. (Usually in the plural, US) An urban low-income housing building.
project n. (Dated) An idle scheme; an impracticable design.
PROJETSprojets n. Plural of projet.
PROJET n. (French) a draft of a proposed measure; a project.
PROPJETpropjet n. (Aviation) A turboprop engine.
propjet n. (Aviation) An airplane powered by turboprop engines.
prop-jet n. Alternative form of propjet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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