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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing E, H, R and Z

FAHLERZfahlerz n. (Mineralogy) fahlband.
FAHLERZ n. (German) an ore of copper, also FAHLORE.
HEROIZEheroize v. (Transitive) To make someone into a hero.
heroize v. (Transitive) To treat someone as if they were a hero.
HEROIZE v. to make heroic, also HEROISE.
HERTZEShertzes n. Plural of hertz.
HERTZ n. a unit of electromagnetic frequency.
PHEAZARPHEAZAR n. (Shakespeare) perhaps for vizier, also VEZIR, VISIER, VIZIER, VIZIR, WAZIR, WIZIER.
RHIZINErhizine n. (Botany, lichenology) A rootlike filament or hair growing from the stems of mosses or on lichens; a rhizoid.
RHIZINE n. a lichen rhizoid.
RHIZOMErhizome n. (Botany) A horizontal, underground stem of some plants that sends out roots and shoots (scions) from its nodes.
rhizome n. (Philosophy, critical theory) A so-called “image of thought” that apprehends multiplicities.
RHIZOME n. (Greek) a rootlike, underground stem, also RHIZOMA.
SCHERZIscherzi n. Plural of scherzo.
SCHERZO n. (Italian) a lively musical movement.
SCHERZOscherzo n. (Music) A piece of music or a movement from a larger piece such as a symphony; especially, a piece of…
SCHERZO n. (Italian) a lively musical movement.
WHEEZERwheezer n. One who wheezes.
WHEEZER n. one who wheezes.
WHIZZERwhizzer n. A set of horizontal blades used to separate mineral particles.
whizzer n. A device used in milling to dry wheat, etc. by rapid spinning.
whizzer n. (UK, slang) A pickpocket.
ZEPHYRSzephyrs n. Plural of zephyr.
ZEPHYR n. (Greek) a gentle breeze.
ZITHERNzithern n. A zither.
ZITHERN n. (German) a stringed instrument, also ZITHER.
ZITHERSzithers n. Plural of zither.
ZITHER n. (German) a stringed instrument, also ZITHERN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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