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There are 19 seven-letter words containing E, G and 2U

AUGUREDaugured v. Simple past tense and past participle of augur.
AUGUR v. to foretell from signs.
AUGURERaugurer n. (Obsolete) An augur.
AUGURER n. (Shakespeare) an augur.
AUGUSTEauguste n. (Theater) A kind of clown, usually serving as an anarchic foil to the whiteface.
AUGUSTE n. (French) a circus clown of the white-faced, bungling type.
BLUEGUMbluegum n. Alternative form of blue gum.
blue␣gum n. Any of various eucalyptus trees having blueish leaves, especially Eucalyptus globulus.
blue␣gum n. (Slang, offensive) A person of sub-Saharan African origin, referring to the blue coloring around their gumline.
EUMUNGSEUMUNG n. (Native Australian) an Australian acacia, also EUMONG.
GLUTEUSgluteus n. (Anatomy) Any of the several muscles of the nates, each of which arises from the pelvis and inserts into a femur.
gluteus n. (Slang, informal) Short for gluteus maximus, either of a pair of large muscles in the human buttocks.
GLUTEUS n. (Greek) a buttock muscle, also GLUTAEUS.
GUAYULEguayule n. Parthenium argentatum, a flowering shrub in the aster family.
GUAYULE n. (Nahuatl) a silver-leaved shrub of the daisy family.
GUIPUREguipure n. A kind of bobbin lace that connects the motifs with bars or plaits rather than net or mesh.
GUIPURE n. (French) a kind of lace having no ground or mesh.
HUGEOUShugeous adj. Huge.
hugeous adj. (Of a noise or sound) Loud.
HUGEOUS adj. (archaic) huge.
QUEUINGqueuing v. Present participle of queue.
queuing n. (Chiefly computing theory) The act of placing something in a queue.
QUEUING n. the act of lining up, also QUEUEING.
REGULUSregulus n. An impure metal formed beneath slag during the smelting of ores.
Regulus prop.n. (Astronomy) A star in the constellation Leo; alpha (α) Leonis.
Regulus prop.n. A Roman cognomen.
UNBEGUNunbegun adj. That had no beginning; always existent.
unbegun adj. Which has not yet been begun; unstarted.
UNBEGUN adj. not yet begun.
UNGLUEDunglued v. Simple past tense and past participle of unglue.
unglued adj. (Not comparable) Not secured with glue.
unglued adj. (Comparable, slang) Insane, upset.
UNGLUESunglues v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unglue.
UNGLUE v. to release from a state of being glued.
UNGUENTunguent n. Any cream containing medicinal ingredients applied to the skin for therapeutic purposes.
UNGUENT n. (Latin) an ointment.
UNGULAEungulae n. Plural of ungula.
UNGULA n. (Latin) a nail, claw or hoof, also UNGUIS.
UNGULEDunguled adj. (Heraldry) Having hoofs of a tincture different from the body.
UNGULED adj. in heraldry, with claws or hoofs tinctured specially.
UNURGEDunurged adj. Not urged; without urging or persuasion.
UNURGED adj. not urged.
UPSURGEupsurge n. A sudden strong rise or flow.
upsurge v. (Intransitive) to surge up, or to become stronger or greater.
UPSURGE v. to surge up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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