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There are 19 seven-letter words containing 2E, F and Y

BEEFILYbeefily adv. In a beefy manner.
BEEFY adv. thickly built.
BEETFLYbeetfly n. Pegomya hyoscyami, a fly whose leaf miner larvae often damage the leaves of beets and other greens.
BEETFLY n. a fly which attacks beet plants.
DEERFLYdeerfly n. Any of various species of fly which feed on deer, principally in genus Chrysops.
deer␣fly n. A Eurasian species of louse fly in the family Hippoboscidae, Lipoptena cervi; parasites of elk, deer…
deer␣fly n. A gold- or green-eyed horsefly of the genus Chrysops in the family Tabanidae; pests to cattle, horses…
EYEFOLDEYEFOLD n. a fold of skin of the upper eyelid.
EYEFULSeyefuls n. Plural of eyeful.
EYEFUL n. a complete view.
EYELIFTeyelift n. A blepharoplasty performed for cosmetic reasons.
EYELIFT n. cosmetic surgery for eyes.
FAYENCEfayence n. Alternative form of faience.
FAYENCE n. (French) a type of glazed pottery, also FAIENCE.
FEDAYEEfedayee n. An Arab guerrilla or commando.
fedayee n. (History) fedayi, an Armenian partisan fighter in the Ottoman Empire in the late nineteenth and early…
FEDAYEE n. (Arabic) an Arab commando.
FERNERYfernery n. A specialized garden for the cultivation and display of ferns.
fernery n. An area naturally abundant in ferns.
FERNERY n. a place where ferns are grown.
FERRETYferrety adj. Ferretlike.
FERRETY adj. like a ferret in appearance.
FEYNESSfeyness n. The state of being fey.
feyness n. (Shetland, folklore, countable) A ghost resembling a living person, seeing which is an omen of that person’s death.
FEYNESS n. the state of being fey.
FISHEYEfisheye n. An unfriendly or suspicious glance.
fisheye n. An undesirable effect in paint, particularly automotive finishes, normally caused by oil or other contaminants…
fisheye n. An undesirable dull appearance in the table of a diamond that has been cut too shallow.
FLEETLYfleetly adv. In a fleet manner; swiftly.
FLEET adv. swift, also FLITT.
FOREBYEforebye prep. Alternative form of forby.
FOREBYE prep. (Scots) close by, also FORBY, FORBYE, FOREBY.
FREEWAYfreeway n. (In parts of Canada, the U.S. and Australia) A highway with grade-separated crossings (rather than level…
freeway n. A toll-free highway.
FREEWAY n. an express highway.
FRENEMYfrenemy n. (Humorous) Someone who pretends to be your friend, but is really your enemy.
frenemy n. (Humorous) A fair-weather friend who is also a rival.
FRENEMY n. a person who pretends to be a friend but is actually an enemy.
FROGEYEFROGEYE n. a plant disease.
LEAFERYleafery n. Leaves; foliage.
LEAFERY n. foliage, also LEAFAGE.
REEDIFYreedify v. (Transitive) To edify anew; to build again after destruction.
REEDIFY v. to rebuild (a house, wall, city, etc.), also REAEDIFY, REAEDIFYE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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