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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 13 six-letter words containing E, R, U and Z

AZURESazures n. Plural of azure.
azures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of azure.
Azures prop.n. Plural of Azure.
BROUZEbrouze n. Obsolete form of browse.
brouze v. Obsolete form of browse.
BROUZE n. a wedding race, also BROOSE.
BUZZERbuzzer n. One who, or that which, buzzes; an insect that buzzes.
buzzer n. A device that makes a buzzing sound.
buzzer n. (US slang) A police badge.
CRUZIECRUZIE n. an open iron lamp with a rush wick, also CRUISIE, CRUIZIE, CRUSIE, CRUSY.
FURZESfurzes n. Plural of furze.
Furzes prop.n. Plural of Furze.
FURZE n. a spiny shrub, aka gorse or whin.
GUIZERguizer n. Alternative form of guiser.
GUIZER n. a person in disguise, also GUISER.
GUTZERGUTZER n. a greedy person, also GUTSER.
LUZERNluzern n. Alternative spelling of lusern.
LUZERN n. a fodder plant, aka alfalfa, also LUCERN, LUCERNE.
NUZZERnuzzer n. (India) A present given to a superior.
NUZZER n. (Hindi) a present to a superior.
RAZURErazure n. The act of erasing or effacing, or the state of being effaced; obliteration.
razure n. An erasure; a change made by erasing.
RAZURE n. the act of scraping, also RASURE.
SCRUZEscruze v. (Now dialectal) To squeeze.
SCRUZE v. (obsolete) to squeeze, also SCROOGE, SCROUGE, SCROWDGE.
WURZELwurzel n. A rural, unsophisticated person; a bumpkin.
wurzel n. A mangelwurzel.
WURZEL n. (German) a variety of beet.
ZONUREzonure n. Any one of several of South African lizards of the genus Zonurus (now Smaug), common in rocky environments.
ZONURE n. a kind of tropical lizard.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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