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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 7 six-letter words containing E, Q, R and T

QUARTEquarte n. (Fencing) The fourth defensive position, with the sword hand held at chest height, and the tip of the…
QUARTE n. the fourth of eight parrying or attacking positions in fencing.
QUATREquatre n. (Archaic, dice games, card games, dominoes) A card, die, or domino with four spots or pips.
QUATRE n. (French) a card, die, or domino, having four spots, or pips.
QUOTERquoter n. Someone who quotes.
QUOTER n. one who quotes.
QWERTYqwerty adj. Alternative letter-case form of QWERTY.
Qwerty adj. Alternative letter-case form of QWERTY.
QWERTY adj. (Computing, typography) Denoting a standard layout of keys on a keyboard for typing, in which the leftmost…
REQUITrequit v. Obsolete form of requite.
REQUIT v. (Shakespeare) to repay, also REQUIGHT.
ROQUETroquet n. In croquet, the act of hitting another live ball with the striker’s ball, from which croquet is then taken.
roquet v. In croquet, to hit another live ball with the striker’s ball, from which croquet is then taken.
ROQUET n. in croquet, a stroke by which the player's ball strikes an opponent's.
TORQUEtorque n. (Physics, mechanics) A rotational or twisting effect of a force; a moment of force, defined for measurement…
torque v. (Physics, mechanics) To make something rotate about an axis by imparting torque to it.
torque n. A tightly braided necklace or collar, often made of metal, worn by various early European peoples.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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