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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 11 six-letter words containing E, O, P and X

EXOPODexopod n. (Zoology) The outer ramus of a biramous limb of a crustacean.
EXOPOD n. the outer branch of a crustacean limb, also EXOPODITE.
EXPORTexport adj. Of or relating to exportation or exports.
export n. (Countable) Something that is exported.
export n. (Uncountable) The act of exporting.
EXPOSEexpose v. (Transitive) To reveal, uncover, make visible, bring to light, introduce (to).
expose v. (Transitive) To subject photographic film to light thereby recording an image.
expose v. (Transitive) To abandon, especially an unwanted baby in the wilderness.
PEGBOXpegbox n. (Music, lutherie) The part of a violin or similar stringed instrument that holds the tuning pegs.
PEGBOX n. the part of some stringed instruments that holds the tuning pegs.
PEROXOPEROXO adj. containing the bivalent group of two oxygens, also PEROXY.
PEROXYperoxy n. (Chemistry, in combination) The divalent radical -O-O- derived from a peroxide.
peroxy- pref. (Chemistry) Used to name compounds containing the divalent peroxy -O-O- radical.
PEROXY adj. containing the bivalent group of two oxygens, also PEROXO.
PLEXORplexor n. (Medicine, now rare) A hammer (or other instrument) used to test a person’s reflexes.
PLEXOR n. (Greek) a small, rubber-headed hammer that physicians use to test reflexes, also PLESSOR.
POLEAXpoleax n. Alternative spelling of poleaxe.
poleax v. Alternative spelling of poleaxe.
POLEAX v. to strike with an axlike weapon, also POLEAXE.
POLLEXpollex n. The thumb; the first, or preaxial, digit of the forelimb, corresponding to the hallux in the hind limb…
POLLEX n. (Latin) the thumb, as in phrase 'pollice verso', with thumb turned down, indicating condemnation, especially to death.
POXIERpoxier adj. Comparative form of poxy: more poxy.
POXY adj. afflicted by pox.
SEXPOTsexpot n. (Informal) A sexy person.
SEXPOT n. a sexually attractive woman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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