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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 17 six-letter words containing E, 2M and N

AMMINEammine n. (Inorganic chemistry) Any of a class of coordination compounds in which ammonia acts as a ligand.
AMMINE n. a type of ammonia compound, also AMMONATE, AMMONIATE.
GEMMANgemman n. (Archaic) gentleman.
GEMMAN n. (archaic) a gentleman.
GEMMENgemmen n. Plural of gemmun.
GEMMAN n. (archaic) a gentleman.
IMMANEimmane adj. (Archaic) Very large; huge; vast.
immane adj. (Archaic) Monstrous in character; inhuman; atrocious; fierce.
IMMANE adj. (archaic) huge; monstrous in size or character.
IMMUNEimmune adj. (Usually with "from") Exempt; not subject to.
immune adj. (Medicine, usually with "to") Protected by inoculation, or due to innate resistance to pathogens.
immune adj. (By extension) Not vulnerable.
MADMENmadmen n. Plural of madman.
mad␣men n. Plural of mad man.
MADMAN n. a man who is insane.
MENTUMmentum n. (Anatomy) The chin.
mentum n. (Malacology) A chin-like projection below the mouth of certain mollusks.
mentum n. (Entomology) The central part of the labium in insects.
MERMANmerman n. A legendary creature, human male from the waist up, fishlike from the waist down.
MERMAN n. a fabulous creature with a man's body and a fish's tail.
MERMENmermen n. Plural of merman.
MERMAN n. a fabulous creature with a man's body and a fish's tail.
MNEMESmnemes n. Plural of mneme.
MNEME n. the persisting effect of the memory of past events.
MNEMICmnemic adj. Alternative spelling of mnemenic.
MNEMIC adj. relating to the mneme.
MNEMONmnemon n. (Historical) In Ancient Greek society, a person holding the office of recorder or archivist.
mnemon n. A single unit of a person’s memory.
MNEMON n. (Greek) a hypothetical unit of memory.
MOMENTmoment n. A brief, unspecified amount of time.
moment n. The smallest portion of time; an instant.
moment n. (Figurative) Weight or importance.
MONEMEmoneme n. (Linguistics, uncommon) morpheme.
MONEME n. a word or part of a word that contains no smaller unit of meaning.
MONTEMmontem n. (UK, historical) A former custom of Eton schoolboys to go to a hill on the Bath road every third Whit…
MONTEM n. (Latin) a custom, formerly practised by the scholars at Eton, of going every third year, on Whit Tuesday, to a hillock near the Bath road, and exacting money from passersby, to support at the university the senior scholar of the school.
NIMMEDnimmed v. Past participle of nim.
NIM v. to take or steal.
NIMMERnimmer n. A petty thief.
Nimmer prop.n. A surname from German.
NIMMER n. a thief.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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