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There are 15 six-letter words containing E, L and 2U

CUPULEcupule n. Any small structure shaped like a cup, such as at the base of an acorn, or the sucker on the feet of some flies.
CUPULE n. a cup-shaped anatomical structure, also CUPULA.
CURULEcurule adj. Designating a kind of elaborate ceremonial seat inlaid with ivory, used by the highest magistrates in ancient Rome.
CURULE adj. of high authority, as a higher Roman magistrate who was entitled to a curule chair, one like a campstool with curved legs.
DUEFULdueful adj. (Archaic) Suitable, appropriate.
DUEFUL adj. (Spenser) proper, fit, also DEWFULL.
LUNULElunule n. Anything crescent-shaped; a crescent-shaped part or mark; a lunula or lune.
lunule n. A special area in front of the beak of many bivalve shells, sometimes shaped like a double crescent…
LUNULE n. a crescent-shaped mark or organ.
LUTEUMluteum n. Corpus luteum.
LUTEUM n. (Latin) a hormone-secreting body.
MUTUELMUTUEL n. (French) a system of betting on races.
MUTULEmutule n. (Architecture) Any of the rectangular blocks under the soffit of the cornice of the Greek Doric temple…
MUTULE n. (Latin) an ornamental block used in classical Greek architecture.
NUCULEnucule n. (Rare) A section of a compound fruit; a nutlet; a small nut.
nucule n. The oogonium of a charophyte.
NUCULE n. the stone of a fleshy fruit.
PULQUEpulque n. A milk-colored, somewhat viscous Mexican alcoholic drink made from the fermented sap of certain agave plants.
PULQUE n. (Nahuatl) a fermented Mexican beverage made from agave.
RUEFULrueful adj. Causing, feeling, or expressing regret or sorrow, especially in a wry or humorous way.
rueful adj. Inspiring pity or compassion.
rueful adj. Bad; woeful; deplorable.
TUBULEtubule n. A small pipe or fistular body; a little tube.
TUBULE n. a small tube.
UNGLUEunglue v. To separate that which was held by glue.
unglue v. To cease to adhere to or follow attentively.
UNGLUE v. to release from a state of being glued.
UNRULEunrule n. (Uncountable) Absence of rule; anarchy.
unrule n. (Countable) An impetus for creativity or chaos; a stimulating factor for acting outside of rules.
UNRULE n. absence of government, anarchy.
USEFULuseful adj. Having a practical or beneficial use.
USEFUL adj. serving a purpose.
USEFUL n. (Australian) an odd job man.
UVULAEuvulae n. Plural of uvula.
uvulæ n. (Obsolete) plural of uvula.
UVULA n. (Latin) the pendent fleshy portion of the soft palate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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