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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 8 six-letter words containing E, L, R and Z

BLAZERblazer n. A semi-formal jacket.
blazer n. A person or thing that blazes (marks or cuts a route).
blazer n. Anything that blazes or glows, as with heat or flame.
DRAZELdrazel n. (Obsolete) A slut; a vagabond wench; a drossel.
DRAZEL n. (dialect) a slut; a vagabond wench, also DRATCHELL.
GLAZERglazer n. One who applies glazing, as in pottery, etc.; one who gives a glasslike or glossy surface to anything;…
glazer n. (Slang) A person who is prone to endless monologuing; derived from the practice of speaking until the…
glazer n. A glazier; one who fits glass.
LAZIERlazier adj. Comparative form of lazy: more lazy.
LAZY adj. disinclined toward work or exertion.
LUZERNluzern n. Alternative spelling of lusern.
LUZERN n. a fodder plant, aka alfalfa, also LUCERN, LUCERNE.
RANZELRANZEL n. a search for stolen goods, also RANCEL, RANSEL.
RAZZLErazzle v. To dazzle or disorient.
RAZZLE n. a rowdy drinking spree.
WURZELwurzel n. A rural, unsophisticated person; a bumpkin.
wurzel n. A mangelwurzel.
WURZEL n. (German) a variety of beet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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