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There are 18 six-letter words containing E, K, M and U

KUMERAkumera n. (New Zealand) sweet potato.
KUMERA n. (Maori) the sweet potato, also KUMARA.
KUMITEkumite n. The aspect of karate in which a person trains against an adversary, using the techniques learned from…
KUMITE n. (Japanese) freestyle martial arts fighting or sparring.
KUMMELkummel n. A German caraway liqueur.
kümmel n. Alternative form of kummel.
KUMMEL n. (German) a cumin-flavoured liqueur.
MAKEUPmakeup n. (Countable, uncountable) An item’s composition.
makeup n. (Countable, uncountable) Cosmetics; colorants and other substances applied to the skin to alter its appearance.
makeup n. (Manufacturing) Replacement; material used to make up for the amount that has been used up.
MUCKEDmucked v. Simple past tense and past participle of muck.
MUCK v. to manure with dung.
MUCKERmucker n. (UK, slang, Southern England, Northern Ireland) Friend, acquaintance.
mucker n. (Slang, British Army) A comrade; a friendly, low-ranking soldier in the same situation.
mucker n. A person who removes muck (Waste, debris, broken rock, etc.), especially from a mine, construction site, or stable.
MUCKLEmuckle n. (Chiefly Scotland) A great amount.
muckle adj. (Archaic outside Northumbria and Scotland) Large, massive.
muckle adj. (Archaic outside Northumbria and Scotland) Much.
MURKEDmurked v. Simple past tense and past participle of murk.
MURK v. to murder, defeat convincingly.
MURKERmurker adj. Comparative form of murk: more murk.
MURK adj. dark, gloomy, obscure, also MIRK.
MUSKEDmusked v. Simple past tense and past participle of musk.
MUSK v. to perfume with a strong-smelling substance.
MUSKEGmuskeg n. (Canada) A terrain composed of peat bog with tussocky meadow and woody vegetation including spruce.
MUSKEG n. (Native American) a marsh, also MASKEG.
MUSKETmusket n. A kind of firearm formerly carried by the infantry of an army, originally fired by means of a match…
musket n. (Falconry) A male Eurasian sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus).
MUSKET n. a long-barrelled muzzle-loading shoulder gun used between the 16th and 18th centuries by infantry soldiers.
MUSKIEmuskie n. (Informal) muskellunge; a large freshwater gamefish of the pike family.
Muskie prop.n. A surname.
MUSKIE n. (short for) a muskellunge, a freshwater fish native to North America, also MASKALLONGE, MASKALONGE, MASKANONGE, MASKINONGE, MUSKELLUNGE.
MUSKLEMUSKLE n. (obsolete) a mussel, an edible marine shellfish.
SKELUMSKELUM n. (Scots) a scoundrel, rascal, also SCHELLUM, SCHELM, SKELLUM, SKELM.
UNMAKEunmake v. (Transitive) To destroy or take apart; to cause (a made article) to lose its nature.
UNMAKE v. to destroy.
UNMEEKunmeek adj. Not meek.
UNMEEK adj. not meek.
UPMAKEupmake v. (Transitive, rare or archaic) To make up.
UPMAKE v. to arrange galley proofs in page mode.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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