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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 18 six-letter words containing E, K, L and M

KAMELAkamela n. Alternative form of kamala (“dyestuff”).
KAMELA n. (Hindi) the red dusty hairs of the capsules of an East Indian tree used for dyeing silk, also KAMALA, KAMILA.
KELIMSkelims n. Plural of kelim.
KELIM n. (Turkish) a pileless woven rug traditionally made in the Middle East, also KHILIM, KILIM.
KEMBLAKEMBLA n. (Australian slang) small change.
KEMPLEkemple n. (Scotland) The size of a standard load of straw, approximately 450 pounds.
Kemple prop.n. A surname from German.
KEMPLE n. (Scots) forty bundles of hay.
KUMMELkummel n. A German caraway liqueur.
kümmel n. Alternative form of kummel.
KUMMEL n. (German) a cumin-flavoured liqueur.
MACKLEmackle n. Obsolete form of macule.
mackle v. Obsolete form of macule.
mackle v. (UK, dialect, transitive) To assemble in a makeshift manner; to cobble together.
MEEKLYmeekly adv. In a meek manner; quietly and humbly.
MEEK adv. having a mild and gentle temper.
MEIKLEmeikle adj. Alternative form of mickle.
Meikle prop.n. A surname.
MEIKLE adj. (Scots) great, much, also MICKLE, MOCHELL, MUCHEL, MUCHELL.
MELICKmelick n. Alternative spelling of melic.
Melick prop.n. A surname from Dutch.
MELICK n. a type of perennial grass, also MELIC.
MELIKSmeliks n. Plural of melik.
MELIK n. (Arabic) in India, the head of a village, an employer, also MALIK.
MICKLEmickle adj. (Archaic, now chiefly Scotland and Northern England, especially Northumbria) (Very) great or large.
mickle adv. (Archaic, now chiefly Scotland) To a great extent.
mickle adv. (Obsolete) Frequently, often.
MILKEDmilked v. Simple past tense and past participle of milk.
MILK v. to draw milk from the udder of.
MILKENmilken adj. (Rare or archaic) Consisting of milk.
milken adj. (Rare) Milky; resembling milk.
MILKEN adj. like milk.
MILKERmilker n. An animal, such as a dairy cow, kept for the milk it produces.
milker n. A person who milks.
milker n. A milking machine.
MUCKLEmuckle n. (Chiefly Scotland) A great amount.
muckle adj. (Archaic outside Northumbria and Scotland) Large, massive.
muckle adj. (Archaic outside Northumbria and Scotland) Much.
MUSKLEMUSKLE n. (obsolete) a mussel, an edible marine shellfish.
SKELMSskelms n. Plural of skelm.
SKELM n. (South African) a scoundrel, rascal, also SCHELLUM, SCHELM, SKELLUM, SKELUM.
SKELUMSKELUM n. (Scots) a scoundrel, rascal, also SCHELLUM, SCHELM, SKELLUM, SKELM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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