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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 14 six-letter words containing E, I, J and T

BIZJETbizjet n. (Informal) A relatively small jet aircraft designed for transporting groups of businesspeople or wealthy individuals.
BIZJET n. a small airplane used for business.
EEJITSeejits n. Plural of eejit.
EEJIT n. (colloquial) an idiot.
INJECTinject v. (Transitive) To push or pump (something, especially fluids) into a cavity or passage.
inject v. (Transitive) To introduce (something) suddenly or violently.
inject v. (Transitive) To administer an injection to (someone or something), especially of medicine or drugs.
INKJETinkjet n. A device, particularly one used in the printing of documents, which propels tiny droplets of ink to the paper.
inkjet n. An inkjet printer.
INKJET n. a printer that spurts ink to form letters.
JILLETjillet n. (Scotland, obsolete) A flirtatious girl.
JILLET n. (Scots) a skittish, flighty girl, also GIGLET, GIGLOT, GILLET.
JILTEDjilted v. Simple past tense and past participle of jilt.
JILT v. to discard a lover.
JILTERjilter n. One who jilts another.
JILTER n. one who jilts.
JITNEYjitney n. A small bus or minibus which typically operates service on a fixed route, sometimes scheduled.
jitney n. An unlicensed taxi cab.
jitney n. A shared-ride taxi.
JITTERjitter n. A nervous action; a tic.
jitter n. (Chiefly in the plural, often with "the") A state of nervousness.
jitter n. (Telecommunications) An abrupt and unwanted variation of one or more signal characteristics.
JIVESTJIVE adj. deceitful.
JULIETJuliet prop.n. A female given name from Latin.
Juliet prop.n. One of the main characters of William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet.
Juliet prop.n. A woman who is or is with a great lover.
POTJIEpotjie n. A lidded round-bottomed pot used for cooking in South Africa.
POTJIE n. (South African) a three-legged iron pot used for cooking over a wood fire.
TAJINEtajine n. (Cooking) An earthenware cooking pot of North African origin, consisting of a shallow, round dish without…
tajine n. (By extension) A stew, originally from Morocco, the ingredients of which are traditionally cooked slowly…
TAJINE n. a conical clay pot used in North African cooking, also TAGINE.
TRIJETtrijet n. (Aviation) An aircraft powered by three jet engines.
trijet n. (Physics) Three jets of particles from an event or source.
TRIJET n. an aeroplane powered by three jet engines.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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