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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 20 six-letter words containing E, I, J and N

ENJOINenjoin v. (Transitive, chiefly literary) To lay upon, as an order or command; to give an injunction to; to direct…
enjoin v. (Transitive) To prescribe under authority; to ordain.
enjoin v. (Transitive, law) To prohibit or restrain by a judicial order or decree; to put an injunction on.
INJECTinject v. (Transitive) To push or pump (something, especially fluids) into a cavity or passage.
inject v. (Transitive) To introduce (something) suddenly or violently.
inject v. (Transitive) To administer an injection to (someone or something), especially of medicine or drugs.
INJERAinjera n. A pancake-like flatbread made from fermented teff flour, a traditional food of Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia…
INJERA n. a type of Ethiopian bread made from soured tef flour.
INJUREinjure v. (Transitive) To wound or cause physical harm to a living creature.
injure v. (Transitive) To damage or impair.
injure v. (Transitive) To do injustice to.
INKJETinkjet n. A device, particularly one used in the printing of documents, which propels tiny droplets of ink to the paper.
inkjet n. An inkjet printer.
INKJET n. a printer that spurts ink to form letters.
JEEINGjeeing v. Present participle of jee.
JEE v. of horses, to urge on, also GEE.
JERKINjerkin n. (Historical) A type of men’s garment popular in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries: a close-fitting…
jerkin n. A sleeveless jacket, usually leather; a long waistcoat.
jerkin n. Alternative form of gyrkin.
JINGLEjingle n. The sound of metal or glass clattering against itself.
jingle n. (Music) A small piece of metal attached to a musical instrument, such as a tambourine, so as to make…
jingle n. (Broadcasting, advertising) A memorable short song, or in some cases a snippet of a popular song with…
JINKEDjinked v. Simple past tense and past participle of jink.
JINK v. to dodge nimbly.
JINKERjinker n. (Australia) A high wheeled wagon designed to carry lumber suspended under the body of the vehicle.
JINKER n. (Australian slang) a light horse-drawn passenger carriage.
JINKER v. to transport in a jinker.
JINNEEjinnee n. Alternative spelling of jinni.
JINNEE n. (Arabic) one of a class of spirits in Muslim theology, also DJIN, DJINNI, DJINNY, GENIE, JIN, JINNI.
JINXEDjinxed v. Simple past tense and past participle of jinx.
JINX v. to bring bad luck to.
JINXESjinxes n. Plural of jinx.
JINX v. to bring bad luck to.
JITNEYjitney n. A small bus or minibus which typically operates service on a fixed route, sometimes scheduled.
jitney n. An unlicensed taxi cab.
jitney n. A shared-ride taxi.
JOINEDjoined v. Simple past tense and past participle of join.
JOIN v. to unite.
JOINERjoiner n. A maker of wooden furniture or fittings.
joiner n. A woodworking machine used to prepare edges of wooden elements to join to other wood pieces.
joiner n. A thing that joins two separate items, e.g. software to connect video or music clips.
JUNKIEjunkie n. (Slang, derogatory) A narcotics addict, especially a heroin user.
junkie n. (Slang, by extension) An enthusiast of something.
JUNKIE n. a narcotics addict, also JUNKY.
REJOINrejoin v. To join again; to unite after separation.
rejoin v. To come, or go, again into the presence of; to join the company of again.
rejoin v. (Archaic) To state in reply.
TAJINEtajine n. (Cooking) An earthenware cooking pot of North African origin, consisting of a shallow, round dish without…
tajine n. (By extension) A stew, originally from Morocco, the ingredients of which are traditionally cooked slowly…
TAJINE n. a conical clay pot used in North African cooking, also TAGINE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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