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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 16 six-letter words containing E, I, J and L

JAILEDjailed v. Simple past tense and past participle of jail.
JAIL v. to imprison, also GAOL.
JAILERjailer n. One who enforces confinement in a jail or prison.
JAILER n. a keeper of a jail, also GAOLER, JAILOR.
JALEBIjalebi n. A sweet popular in the Indian subcontinent, made by deep-frying a maida flour batter and soaking it in sugar syrup.
JALEBI n. (Hindi) an Asian snack of deep-fried dough covered with syrup, also JALLEBI.
JEELIEJEELIE v. (Scots) to make into a jelly, also JELLY, JEELY.
JERBILjerbil n. Dated form of gerbil.
JERBIL n. (French) a desert rodent, also GERBIL, GERBILLE.
JEZAILjezail n. (Now chiefly historical) An Afghan matchlock or flintlock musket fired from a forked rest.
JEZAIL n. a heavy Afghan musket.
JIGGLEjiggle n. A relatively weak shaking movement.
jiggle v. (Transitive) To shake something gently; to rattle or wiggle.
jiggle v. (Intransitive) To shake, rattle, or wiggle.
JILGIEjilgie n. Alternative spelling of gilgie.
JILGIE n. (Native Australian) a yabby, a small freshwater crayfish, also GILGIE.
JILLETjillet n. (Scotland, obsolete) A flirtatious girl.
JILLET n. (Scots) a skittish, flighty girl, also GIGLET, GIGLOT, GILLET.
JILTEDjilted v. Simple past tense and past participle of jilt.
JILT v. to discard a lover.
JILTERjilter n. One who jilts another.
JILTER n. one who jilts.
JINGLEjingle n. The sound of metal or glass clattering against itself.
jingle n. (Music) A small piece of metal attached to a musical instrument, such as a tambourine, so as to make…
jingle n. (Broadcasting, advertising) A memorable short song, or in some cases a snippet of a popular song with…
JIRBLEjirble v. (Scotland, transitive) To pour out.
JIRBLE v. (Scots) to pour unsteadily.
JUBILEjubile n. Obsolete form of jubilee.
JUBILE n. (Latin) a celebration, also JUBILEE.
JULIETJuliet prop.n. A female given name from Latin.
Juliet prop.n. One of the main characters of William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet.
Juliet prop.n. A woman who is or is with a great lover.
MEJLISmejlis n. Alternative form of majlis.
Mejlis n. Alternative form of majlis.
MEJLIS n. (Arabic) an assembly or council in various North African and Middle Eastern countries, also MAJLIS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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