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There are 18 six-letter words containing E, H, R and V

CHEVREchevre n. Alternative spelling of chèvre.
chèvre n. A type of soft cheese from goat’s milk, originating in France, often formed in a cylinder.
CHEVRE n. (French) a cheese made from goat's milk, also CHEVRET.
HALVERhalver n. A fisherman who places a net to catch fish in the retreating tide.
halver n. (Plural only) sharing in halves.
HALVER n. (Scots) a half-share.
HAVERShavers n. Plural of haver.
havers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of haver.
Havers prop.n. Plural of Haver.
HEAVERheaver n. One who, or that which, heaves or lifts; a laborer employed on docks in handling freight.
heaver n. A bar used as a lever.
HEAVER n. one who heaves.
HIVERShivers n. Plural of hiver.
HIVER n. someone who hives.
HOOVERhoover n. (Chiefly Britain, Ireland) A vacuum cleaner, irrespective of brand.
hoover v. (Transitive, Britain) To clean (A room, etc.) with a vacuum cleaner, irrespective of brand.
hoover v. (Intransitive, Britain) To use a vacuum cleaner, irrespective of brand.
HOVERShovers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hover.
HOVER v. to hang suspended in the air.
SHAVERshaver n. One who shaves.
shaver n. A barber, one whose occupation is to shave.
shaver n. A tool or machine for shaving; an electric razor.
SHIVERshiver v. To tremble or shake, especially when cold or frightened.
shiver v. (Nautical, transitive) To cause to shake or tremble, as a sail, by steering close to the wind.
shiver n. The act of shivering.
SHOVERshover n. Person who shoves; a pusher.
shover n. (Now chiefly historical) One who utters counterfeit money.
Shover prop.n. A surname.
SHRIVEshrive v. (Religion, transitive and intransitive) To hear or receive a confession (Of sins etc.).
shrive v. (Religion, transitive) To prescribe penance or absolution.
shrive v. (Religion, intransitive or reflexive) To confess, and receive absolution.
SHROVEshrove v. Simple past tense of shrive.
shrove v. (Obsolete) To join in the festivities of Shrovetide.
shrove v. (Obsolete, by extension) To make merry.
THRAVEthrave v. (Transitive, UK, dialectal) To urge; compel; importune.
thrave n. (UK, dialect) A sheaf; a handful.
thrave n. (UK, dialect, obsolete) Twenty-four (or in some places, twelve) sheaves of wheat; a shock, or stook.
THRIVEthrive v. To grow or increase stature; to grow vigorously or luxuriantly, to flourish.
thrive v. To increase in wealth or success; to prosper, be profitable.
THRIVE v. to grow vigorously.
THROVEthrove v. Simple past tense of thrive.
throve v. (Now nonstandard) past participle of thrive.
THRIVE v. to grow vigorously.
VARECHvarech n. Alternative form of varec.
VARECH n. a kind of seaweed, aka kelp, also VAREC, VRAIC.
WHARVEwharve v. (Scotland, Northern England) to turn, turn over (especially of mown grass).
WHARVE n. a disc on the lower part of a spindle serving as a flywheel, also WHERVE.
WHERVEWHERVE n. a piece of wood used for spinning thread, also WHARVE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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