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There are 12 six-letter words containing E, H, M and P

HAMPERhamper n. A large basket, usually with a cover, used for the packing and carrying of articles or small animals.
hamper n. (Uncommon outside New England) A wicker or plastic basket specifically for holding laundry (from clothes…
hamper n. (UK) A gift basket.
HEMPENhempen adj. (Dated) Made of hemp.
hempen adj. Related to hempen ropes, i.e., to hanging as capital punishment.
HEMPEN adj. made of hemp.
HEMPIEhempie n. (Obsolete, Scotland and Northern England) A criminal; someone who deserves to be, or is likely to be, hanged.
hempie n. (Obsolete, Scotland and Northern England) A rogue.
hempie n. (Obsolete, Scotland and Northern England) A wild, romping girl.
HUMPEDhumped v. Past participle of hump.
humped adj. Having a hump or humps, or, in combination, a hump or humps of the specified number or type.
HUMP v. to bend into a rounded projection.
HUMPENHUMPEN n. (German) a type of enamelled or painted glass drinking vessel made in Germany.
HUMPERhumper n. Agent noun of hump: one who humps.
HUMPER n. someone who carries heavy loads.
IMPHEEimphee n. (Botany) African sugar cane (Sorghum bicolor, syn. Holcus saccharatus and Andropogon saccharatus).
IMPHEE n. (Zulu) any of several southern African varieties of sorghum.
PELHAMpelham n. A type of bit used on the bridle of a horse, consisting of a mouthpiece, a shank, and two rings on each side.
Pelham prop.n. A suburb of Birmingham, West Midlands, England (OS grid ref SP108368).
Pelham prop.n. A city in Shelby County, Alabama, United States.
PHENOMphenom n. Someone or something that is phenomenal, especially a young player in sports like baseball, American…
phenom n. One who is hip and fashionable.
PHENOM n. a person of extraordinary ability or promise.
PHLEGMphlegm n. (Historical) One of the four humors making up the body in ancient and mediaeval medicine; said to be…
phlegm n. Viscid mucus produced by the body, later especially mucus expelled from the bronchial passages by coughing.
phlegm n. (Historical, chemistry, alchemy) A watery distillation, especially one obtained from plant matter; an…
PHLOEMphloem n. (Botany) A vascular tissue in land plants primarily responsible for the distribution of sugars and nutrients…
phlœm n. Obsolete form of phloem.
phloëm n. (Obsolete) Alternative spelling of phloem.
TEMPEHtempeh n. An Indonesian food made from partially-cooked soybeans fermented by a fungus (either Rhizopus oligosporus…
TEMPEH n. a high-protein food prepared from soya beans.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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