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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 11 six-letter words containing E, H and 2I

ECHINIechini n. Plural of echinus.
ECHINUS n. (Latin) a sea urchin, also ECHINOID.
HEINIEheinie n. (US, slang) The buttocks.
Heinie prop.n. (US) A diminutive form of Heinrich, or its English cognate Henry, sometimes applied to a person of (real…
Heinie n. (US, slang) A German, especially a German soldier.
HEISHIheishi n. Alternative form of heishe.
HEISHI n. (Japanese) tiny beads made from shells.
HICKIEHICKIE n. a gadget, also HICKEY.
HIEINGhieing v. Present participle of hie.
HIE v. to hurry along, also HYE.
HINNIEHINNIE n. a darling, sweetheart, also HINNY.
HIPPIEhippie n. (1950s slang) A teenager who imitated the beatniks.
hippie n. (1960s slang; still widely used in reference to that era) One who chooses not to conform to prevailing…
hippie n. (Modern slang) A person who keeps an unkempt or sloppy appearance and has unusually long hair (for males)…
HISTIEHISTIE adj. (Scots) dry, barren, also HIRSTIE.
MEISHImeishi n. A Japanese business card.
MEISHI n. (Japanese) a Japanese business card.
MIHIEDMIHI v. to greet ceremonially.
REISHIreishi n. Extract of the bracket fungus (mushroom) (Ganoderma lucidum and sometimes Ganoderma tsugae).
REISHI n. (Japanese) a mushroom having a shiny cap.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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