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There are 16 six-letter words containing E, G, T and Y

CYGNETcygnet n. The young of a swan.
Cygnet prop.n. A village in Ohio, United States.
Cygnet prop.n. A town in Tasmania, Australia.
EGOITYegoity n. Personality.
egoity n. Existence as an individual; selfness.
EGOITY n. the essence of the ego.
EIGHTYeighty num. The cardinal number occurring after seventy-nine and before eighty-one, represented in Roman numerals…
EIGHTY n. a number, eight times ten.
GAIETYgaiety n. (Dated, uncountable) The state of being happy or merry.
gaiety n. (Dated, countable) Merrymaking or festivity.
GAIETY n. festive activity, also GAYETY.
GAYESTgayest adj. Superlative form of gay: most gay.
GAY adj. cheerful.
GAYETYgayety n. Alternative spelling of gaiety.
GAYETY n. festive activity, also GAIETY.
GENTLYgently adv. In a manner characterized by gentleness.
gently adv. (Historical) From a gentle or high-class family.
gently adv. (Obsolete) In the manner of one of gentle birth; in a manner that reflects the traditional virtues of…
GENTRYgentry n. Birth; condition; rank by birth.
gentry n. Courtesy; civility; complaisance.
gentry n. People of education and good breeding.
GEYESTgeyest adj. Superlative form of gey: most gey.
GEY adj. considerable.
GLEETYgleety adj. Ichorous; thin; limpid.
GLEETY adj. resembling mucus, slimy.
GYRATEgyrate v. (Intransitive) To revolve round a central point; to move spirally about an axis, as a tornado.
gyrate adj. (Biology) Having coils or convolutions.
GYRATE v. to revolve or rotate.
STAGEYstagey adj. Alternative spelling of stagy.
STAGEY adj. savouring of the stage, acted, assumed, also STAGY.
STOGEYstogey n. Alternative form of stogie.
STOGEY n. a long, slender cigar, also STOGY, STOGIE.
TIGERYtigery adj. (Colloquial) Resembling a tiger, or an aspect of tigers.
TIGERY adj. like a tiger.
TYEINGtyeing v. Present participle of tye.
TYE v. to wash in a trough.
ZYGOTEzygote n. A fertilized egg cell.
ZYGOTE n. a cell formed from the union of two gametes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 42 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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