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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 14 six-letter words containing E, G, H and L

CLEUGHcleugh n. (Scotland, Northumbria) Alternative form of clough (“a ravine or gorge”).
CLEUGH n. (Scots) a ravine, a gully, also CLEUCH, CLOUGH.
GHAZELghazel n. Alternative form of ghazal.
GHAZEL n. (Arabic) a Persian verse form, also GHAZAL, GAZAL.
HAGGLEhaggle v. (Intransitive) To argue for a better deal, especially over prices with a seller.
haggle v. (Transitive) To hack (cut crudely).
haggle v. To stick at small matters; to chaffer; to higgle.
HAGLEThaglet n. A shearwater.
HAGLET n. the kittiwake or shearwater, also HACKLET.
HELINGheling v. Present participle of hele.
HELE v. (dialect) to hide.
HIGGLEhiggle v. (Archaic) To hawk or peddle provisions.
higgle v. (Archaic) To wrangle (Over a price, terms of an agreement, etc.); to haggle.
HIGGLE v. to hawk or peddle provisions.
HUGELYhugely adv. Greatly; to a huge extent.
HUGE adv. very large.
HYLEGShylegs n. Plural of hyleg.
HYLEG n. the ruling planet at the hour of one's birth.
LENGTHlength n. The distance measured along the longest dimension of an object.
length n. Duration.
length n. (Horse racing) The length of a horse, used to indicate the distance between horses at the end of a race.
PHLEGMphlegm n. (Historical) One of the four humors making up the body in ancient and mediaeval medicine; said to be…
phlegm n. Viscid mucus produced by the body, later especially mucus expelled from the bronchial passages by coughing.
phlegm n. (Historical, chemistry, alchemy) A watery distillation, especially one obtained from plant matter; an…
PLEUGHpleugh n. (Scotland) plow.
PLEUGH v. (Scots) to plough, also PLEUCH.
SEALGHSEALGH n. (Scots) a seal (the animal), also SEALCH, SELKIE, SILKIE.
SEGHOLseghol n. Alternative form of segol (“Hebrew mark”).
SEGHOL n. (Hebrew) a vowel-point in Hebrew, also SEGOL.
SLEIGHsleigh n. A vehicle, generally pulled by an animal, which moves over snow or ice on runners, used for transporting…
sleigh v. To ride or drive a sleigh.
sleigh adj. (Obsolete) Sly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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