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There are 16 six-letter words containing E, 2F and T

AFFECTaffect v. (Transitive) To influence or alter.
affect v. (Transitive) To move to emotion.
affect v. (Transitive, pathology) Of an illness or condition, to infect or harm (a part of the body).
AFFRETaffret n. (Obsolete) An attack.
AFFRET n. (Spenser) a furious onset.
BUFFETbuffet n. A counter or sideboard from which food and drinks are served or may be bought.
buffet n. Food laid out in this way, to which diners serve themselves.
buffet n. A small low stool; a hassock.
EFFECTeffect n. The result or outcome of a cause.
effect n. Impression left on the mind; sensation produced.
effect n. Execution; performance; realization; operation.
EFFETEeffete adj. (Obsolete) Of substances, quantities etc: exhausted, spent, worn-out.
effete adj. Lacking strength or vitality; feeble, powerless, impotent.
effete adj. Decadent, weak through self-indulgence.
EFFORTeffort n. The work involved in performing an activity; exertion.
effort n. An endeavor.
effort n. A force acting on a body in the direction of its motion.
FARFETfarfet adj. (Obsolete) far-fetched.
FARFET adj. far fetched.
HAFFEThaffet n. (Scotland) The side of the head; the temples.
HAFFET n. (Scots) the cheekbone and temple, also HAFFIT.
INFEFTinfeft v. Obsolete form of enfeoff.
infeft v. Past participle of infeoff.
INFEFT v. in Scots law, to enfeoff, to invest with heritable property.
OFFSEToffset n. Anything that acts as counterbalance; a compensating equivalent.
offset n. (International trade) A form of countertrade arrangement, in which the seller agrees to purchase within…
offset n. (Obsolete, c. 1555) A time at which something begins; outset.
SETOFFsetoff n. (Finance) The situation where a bank or similar organisation repays itself money owed by an accountholder…
set-off n. That which is set off against another thing; an offset.
set-off n. (Dated) That which is used to improve the appearance of anything; a decoration; an ornament.
TIFFEDtiffed v. Simple past tense and past participle of tiff.
TIFF v. to have a petty quarrel.
TOFFEEtoffee n. (Uncountable) A type of confectionery made by boiling sugar (or treacle, etc) with butter or milk, then…
toffee n. (Countable) A small, individual piece of toffee.
toffee n. (Northern England) Any kind of sweets; candy.
TRUFFETRUFFE n. (French) a truffle, an edible fungus.
TUFFESTUFFE n. (Shakespeare) a tuft.
TUFFETtuffet n. A clump of grass or similar vegetation; a small grass-covered mound.
tuffet n. (Furniture) A large cushion which may have an internal frame, used as a low seat or stool.
tuffet n. An inflatable cushion serving as landing area for precision accuracy parachuting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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