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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 17 six-letter words containing 2E, M and Y

CYMENEcymene n. (Chemistry) Any of several isomeric naturally occurring terpenoid hydrocarbons; a constituent of a number…
CYMENE n. a hydrocarbon, also CYMOL.
EMPERYempery n. (Obsolete) An empire; the status or dominion of an emperor.
empery n. (Archaic) Absolute power or authority.
EMPERY n. empire or power.
EMYDESemydes n. Plural of emys.
EMYDE n. a genus of freshwater terrapin, also EMYD, EMYS.
ENZYMEenzyme n. (Biochemistry) A globular protein that catalyses a biological chemical reaction.
enzyme n. (Christianity) leavened bread, as opposed to azyme.
ENZYME n. a complex protein that acts as a catalyst, also ENZYM.
MEDLEYmedley n. (Now rare, archaic) Combat, fighting; a battle.
medley n. A collection or mixture of miscellaneous things.
medley n. (Music) A collection of related songs played or mixed together as a single piece.
MEEKLYmeekly adv. In a meek manner; quietly and humbly.
MEEK adv. having a mild and gentle temper.
MEETLYmeetly adv. (Archaic) fitly; suitably; properly.
MEET adv. suitable.
MEINEYMEINEY n. a family, including servants, etc., a retinue, also MEINIE, MEINY, MENYIE.
MENYIEMENYIE n. a family, including servants, etc., a retinue, also MEINEY, MEINIE, MEINY.
MERELYmerely adv. (Focus) Without any other reason etc.; only, just, and nothing more.
merely adv. (Obsolete) Wholly, entirely.
MERE adv. nothing more, nothing better.
MUDEYEmud-eye n. (Australia) A dragonfly larva.
MUDEYE n. (Australian) the larva of the dragonfly, commonly used as a fishing bait.
MYCELEMYCELE n. the white threads or filamentous growth from which a mushroom or fungus is developed, also MYCELIUM.
REMEDYremedy n. Something that corrects or counteracts.
remedy n. (Law) The legal means to recover a right or to prevent or obtain redress for a wrong.
remedy n. A medicine, application, or treatment that relieves or cures a disease.
SEEMLYseemly adj. (Of behavior) Appropriate; suited to the occasion or purpose; becoming.
seemly adv. Appropriately, fittingly.
SEEMLY adj. of pleasing appearance, proper.
YELMEDyelmed v. Simple past tense and past participle of yelm.
YELM v. (dialect) to prepare straw for thatching, also YEALM.
YEMMERYEMMER n. (dialect) an ember.
YEOMENyeomen n. Plural of yeoman.
YEOMAN n. a member of a class of small farmers, usually freeholders, the next grade below gentlemen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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