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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 17 six-letter words containing 2E, L and X

DEFLEXdeflex v. (Zoology, botany) To bend down.
deflex adj. (Archery, of a bow) Having the arms curved or curled at the base so as to turn towards the archer when…
DEFLEX v. to bend down.
DELUXEdeluxe adj. Very fine in quality or luxurious.
de␣luxe adj. Alternative spelling of deluxe.
DELUXE adj. of special elegance or luxury.
EXCELSexcels v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of excel.
EXCEL v. to surpass others.
EXHALEexhale v. (Intransitive) To expel air from the lungs through the nose or mouth by action of the diaphragm, to breathe out.
exhale v. (Transitive) To expel (something, such as tobacco smoke) from the lungs by action of the diaphragm.
exhale v. (Intransitive) To pass off in the form of vapour; to emerge.
EXILEDexiled v. Simple past tense and past participle of exile.
EXILE v. to banish from one's own country.
EXILERexiler n. One who exiles.
EXILER n. one who exiles.
EXILESexiles n. Plural of exile.
exiles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of exile.
EXILE v. to banish from one's own country.
EXPELSexpels v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of expel.
EXPEL v. to force out.
FLEXEDflexed v. Simple past tense and past participle of flex.
FLEX v. to bend.
FLEXESflexes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flex.
flexes n. Plural of flex.
FLEX v. to bend.
ILEXESilexes n. Plural of ilex.
ILEX n. (Latin) a tree or shrub of the holly family; the holm oak.
LEXEMElexeme n. (Linguistics) A lexical item corresponding to the set of all words (or of all multi-word expressions)…
lexeme n. (Computing) An individual instance of a continuous character sequence without spaces, used in lexical…
LEXEME n. the fundamental unit of the lexicon of a language e.g. find, found, and finding are members of the English lexeme find.
PLEXEDPLEX v. to make a plexus.
PLEXESplexes n. Plural of plex.
PLEX v. to make a plexus.
REFLEXreflex n. An automatic response to a simple stimulus which does not require mental processing.
reflex n. (Linguistics) The descendant of an earlier language element, such as a word or phoneme, in a daughter language.
reflex n. (Linguistics, rare) The ancestor word corresponding to a descendant.
ULEXESULEX n. (Latin) any plant of the gorse genus Ulex.
XYLENExylene n. (Chemistry) Any of a group of three isomeric aromatic hydrocarbons, found in coal and wood tar.
XYLENE n. a flammable hydrocarbon, also XYLOL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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