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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 11 six-letter words containing 2E, I and O

EOSINEeosine n. Alternative form of eosin.
EOSINE n. a red dye, also EOSIN.
ETOILEetoile n. (Heraldry) Alternative form of estoile.
étoile n. (Ballet) The leading ballet dancer in a company.
ETOILE n. (French) in heraldry, a six-pointed star whose rays are wavy, instead of straight like those of a mullet, also ESTOILE.
FOEFIEFOEFIE adj. (South African) as in foefie slide, a rope, fixed at an incline, along which a person suspended on a pulley may traverse a space, esp. across a river.
LOERIEloerie n. (South Africa) Alternative spelling of lourie.
LOERIE n. a type of African bird with crimson or grey plumage, also LORY, LOURIE, LOWRIE, LOWRY.
OLEINEoleine n. Alternative form of olein.
OLEINE n. a glycerine ester of oleic acid, also OLEIN.
ONESIEonesie n. Name given to a number of one-piece attires.
ONESIE n. a soft, loose-fitting, one-piece garment worn by adults for sleeping or lounging.
OREIDEoreide n. Alternative form of oroide.
OREIDE n. an alloy used in imitation gold jewelry, also OROIDE.
SOIREEsoiree n. A formal evening party.
soirée n. Alternative spelling of soiree.
SOIREE n. (French) an evening party.
TOEBIETOEBIE n. (South African) a sandwich.
TOEIERtoeier adj. Comparative form of toey: more toey.
TOEY adj. (Australian slang) nervous, edgy.
VOIDEEvoidee n. (Now only historical) A cup of wine drunk with spices or other small accompaniments, taken before retiring…
VOIDEE n. (historical) wine and light food taken before going to bed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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