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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 18 six-letter words containing 2E, I and K

BELIKEbelike v. (Transitive) To make like; simulate.
belike v. (Transitive) To be like; resemble.
belike v. (Impersonal) To be pleasing to; please.
ESKIESeskies n. Plural of esky.
Eskies n. Plural of Eskie.
ESKY n. a container for keeping drinks cool.
KEAVIEKEAVIE n. (Scots) a hencoop or cage, also CAVIE.
KEBBIEkebbie n. Cudgel, staff.
KEBBIE n. (Scots) a shepherd's crook.
KEELIEkeelie n. (Scotland, Northern England) A sparrowhawk or kestrel.
keelie n. (Scotland, Northern England) A common or violent urban youth.
Keelie adj. Of or from Glasgow.
KEIRENKEIREN n. an 8-lap track cycling event in which the riders follow a motorcycle pacer, also KEIRIN.
KELPIEkelpie n. A malevolent shapeshifting spirit, most often in the form of a horse, believed to haunt the rivers and…
kelpie n. An Australian breed of sheepdog.
KELPIE n. (Scots) a water-horse, a fabulous beast, also KELPY.
KELTIEKELTIE n. (Scots) a bumper or glass filled to the brim, esp. one imposed as a forfeit, also KELTY.
KEWPIEkewpie n. A kewpie doll.
KEWPIE n. (tradename) as in kewpie (doll), a brightly coloured doll.
KIEKIEkiekie n. Freycinetia banksii, a high-climbing shrub of New Zealand.
KIEKIE n. (Maori) a climbing bush plant of New Zealand.
KIERIEkierie n. A traditional club used as a weapon by certain indigenous groups of South Africa.
KIERIE n. (Hottentot) a stick, club, also KIRRI.
KIEVESkieves n. Plural of kieve.
KIEVE n. a large tub, also KEEVE.
MEIKLEmeikle adj. Alternative form of mickle.
Meikle prop.n. A surname.
MEIKLE adj. (Scots) great, much, also MICKLE, MOCHELL, MUCHEL, MUCHELL.
REEKIEREEKIE adj. (Scots) smoky, reeking, also RECHIE, REECHIE, REECHY, REEKY.
SEIKERSEIK adj. (Scots) sick.
SELKIEselkie n. A seal which can magically transform into a human by shedding its skin.
SELKIE n. (Scots) a seal, also SEALCH, SEALGH, SILKIE.
SICKEEsickee n. (Informal, rare) A person who is unwell.
SICKEE n. a day off work, also SICKIE, SICKY.
TEKKIETEKKIE n. an expert in or enthusiast for technology, also TECHIE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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