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There are 16 five-letter words containing E, R and 2T

ARETTARETT v. (obsolete) to entrust, also ARET.
OTTERotter n. An aquatic or marine carnivorous mammal in the subfamily Lutrinae of the family Mustelidae, which also…
otter n. (Gay slang) A hairy man with a slender physique, in contrast with a bear, who is more thickset.
otter n. (Obsolete) annatto (dye).
ROTTEROTTE n. a medieval stringed instrument.
TATERtater n. (Britain, US, informal) A potato.
tater n. (US, baseball, slang) A home run.
TATER n. (colloquial) a potato, also TATIE, TATTIE.
TERTSTERTS n. (short for) tetrachlorethylene, a chemical.
TETRAtetra n. Any of numerous species of small South American freshwater fish of the family Characidae, popular in home aquariums.
tetra- pref. Four.
TETRA n. any of various small, often brightly coloured tropical freshwater fishes of the characin family.
TETRItetri n. A unit of currency in Georgia, one hundredth of a lari.
TETRI n. a currency unit of Georgia, also THETRI.
TITERtiter n. (Analytical chemistry) The concentration of a substance as determined by titration.
titer v. To measure a concentration, especially by means of titration.
TITER n. the concentration of a solution as determined by titration, also TITRE.
TITREtitre n. (Analytical chemistry) The strength or concentration of a solution that has been determined by titration.
titre v. To determine a titre, especially by titration.
TITRE n. the strength of a chemical solution, also TITER.
TORTEtorte n. A rich, dense cake, typically made with many eggs and relatively little flour (as opposed to a sponge…
TORTE n. (German) a rich cake made of many eggs, little flour, and usually containing nuts.
TOTERtoter n. One who totes or carries something.
TOTER n. one who totes.
TREATtreat v. (Intransitive) To negotiate, discuss terms, bargain (for or with).
treat v. (Intransitive) To discourse; to handle a subject in writing or speaking; to conduct a discussion.
treat v. (Transitive) To discourse on; to represent or deal with in a particular way, in writing or speaking.
TRESTTREST n. (dialect) a trestle, also TRESSEL.
TRETStrets n. Plural of tret.
TRET n. (historical) an allowance paid to purchasers for waste in transport.
TRITEtrite adj. Often in reference to a word or phrase: used so many times that it is commonplace, or no longer interesting…
trite adj. (Law) So well established as to be beyond debate: trite law.
trite n. A denomination of coinage in ancient Greece equivalent to one third of a stater.
UTTERutter adj. (Now poetic, literary) Outer; furthest out, most remote.
utter adj. (Obsolete) Outward.
utter adj. Absolute, unconditional, total, complete.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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