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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 11 five-letter words containing E, O, T and U

BUTEObuteo n. Any of the broad-winged soaring raptors of the genus Buteo.
Buteo prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Accipitridae – buzzards and hawks.
BUTEO n. (Latin) a buzzard.
FOUETfouet n. (Scotland) Alternative form of fouat (“houseleek”).
FOUET n. (Scots) the houseleek, also FOUAT.
OUTEDouted v. Simple past tense and past participle of out.
OUT v. to reveal.
OUTERouter adj. Outside; external.
outer adj. Farther from the centre of the inside.
outer n. An outer part.
OUTREoutre adj. Alternative spelling of outré.
outré adj. Beyond what is customary or proper; extravagant.
outré adj. Very unconventional.
QUOTEquote n. A quotation; a statement attributed to a person.
quote n. A quotation mark.
quote n. A summary of work to be done with a set price.
ROUTEroute n. A course or way which is traveled or passed.
route n. A regular itinerary of stops, or the path followed between these stops, such as for delivery or passenger…
route n. A road or path; often specifically a highway.
TOGUEtogue n. Lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, a freshwater char of northern North America.
TOGUE n. (Native American) the Great Lake char or trout, a gigantic salmonid of North America.
TOQUEtoque n. A type of hat with no brim.
toque n. (Specifically) A tall white hat with no brim of the sort worn by chefs.
toque n. (By extension, informal) A chef.
TOUSEtouse v. (Transitive) To rumple, tousle.
touse v. (Transitive) To pull to pieces.
touse n. A noisy disturbance.
TOUZEtouze v. (UK, dialect) Alternative form of touse.
TOUZE v. to dishevel, rumple, also TOUSE, TOUSLE, TOUZLE, TOWSE, TOWZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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