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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 8 five-letter words containing E, O, R and X

BOXERboxer n. A participant (fighter) in a boxing match.
boxer n. A breed of stocky, medium-sized, short-haired dog with a square-jawed muzzle.
boxer n. A type of internal combustion engine in which cylinders are arranged in two banks on either side of…
FOREXforex n. Short for foreign exchange.
FOREX n. (short for) foreign exchange.
OXERSoxers n. Plural of oxer.
OXER n. in foxhunting, an ox-fence.
OXTERoxter n. (Chiefly Scotland, Ireland, Northern England) The armpit.
oxter v. (Transitive) To hug with the arms, or support by taking the arm of.
OXTER v. (Scots) to take under the arm.
REDOXredox adj. (Chemistry) Of or relating to any reaction in which oxidation and reduction occur simultaneously.
redox n. (Rare, chemistry) A reaction in which an oxidation and a reduction occur simultaneously; a reaction…
redox v. (Transitive) To subject to a redox reaction.
RETOXretox v. (Intransitive, informal, humorous) To resume the consumption of alcohol, drugs, etc.; to reverse a period of detox.
RETOX v. to embark on a binge of drink, drugs, or unhealthy food after a period of abstinence.
SOREXSorex prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Soricidae – red-toothed shrews.
SOREX n. (Latin) the common shrew.
XEROXxerox n. (Dated in North America, Philippines, colloquial, informal) A photocopy.
xerox n. (Dated, North America, colloquial, informal) A photocopier.
xerox v. (Dated, North America, Philippines, colloquial, informal) To make a paper copy or copies by means of a photocopier.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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