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There are 19 five-letter words containing E, N, R and U

ENUREenure v. (Transitive) To inure; to make accustomed or desensitized to something unpleasant due to constant exposure.
enure v. (Intransitive, chiefly law) To take effect, to be operative; used with to.
ENURE v. to accustom or habituate to, also INURE.
ENURNENURN v. to put into an urn, also INURN.
INUREinure v. (Transitive) To cause someone to become accustomed to something that requires prolonged or repeated…
inure v. (Intransitive, chiefly law) To take effect, to be operative.
inure v. (Transitive, obsolete) To commit.
NUDERnuder adj. Comparative form of nude: more nude.
NUDE adj. without clothes.
NURSEnurse n. (Archaic) A wet nurse.
nurse n. A person (usually a woman) who takes care of other people’s young.
nurse n. A person trained to provide care for the sick.
PRUNEprune n. (Obsolete) A plum.
prune n. The dried, wrinkled fruit of certain species of plum.
prune n. (Slang) An old woman, especially a wrinkly one.
QUERNquern n. A mill for grinding corn, especially a hand-mill made of two circular stones.
quern v. (Transitive) To grind; to use a quern.
QUERN n. a hand operated stone mill for grinding corn.
RERUNrerun n. (US) A television program shown after its initial presentation — particularly many weeks after its initial…
rerun n. (Publishing) Another printing run (impression; batch of copies of a given edition) of a book, cartoon, etc.
rerun n. (Politics) A political candidate who holds the same political agenda or doctrine as a past or incumbent…
ROUENRouen prop.n. The capital city of Normandy, France, on the River Seine.
Rouen n. A heavyweight breed of domesticated duck, of French origin.
ROUEN n. (French) a type of domestic duck.
RUMENrumen n. The first compartment of the stomach of a cow or other ruminants.
RUMEN n. (Latin) a part of the stomach of a ruminant.
RUNEDruned adj. Inscribed with runes.
RUNED adj. bearing runes.
RUNESrunes n. Plural of rune.
RUNE n. a letter of an ancient alphabet.
TUNERtuner n. A person who tunes a piano or organ.
tuner n. A device, electronic or mechanical, that helps a person tune a musical instrument by showing the deviation…
tuner n. On a musical instrument, a peg or mechanical device that changes the tension, and hence pitch, of a string.
UNDERunder prep. In or at a lower level than; in the area covered or surmounted by.
under prep. From one side of to the other, passing beneath.
under prep. Less than.
UNREDunred adj. (Uncommon) Not red.
UNRED adj. (Spenser) unread, in the sense of not reckoned up.
URENAUrena prop.n. A surname.
Urena prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Malvaceae – certain tropical and subtropical plants.
URENA n. (Malay) any plant of the tropical genus Urena of the marrow family.
URENTURENT adj. burning.
URINEurine n. (Physiology) Liquid waste consisting of water, salts, and urea, which is made in the kidneys, stored…
urine v. (Archaic) To urinate.
URINE v. to discharge a liquid containing body wastes.
URNEDurned adj. Placed in an urn.
URN v. to place in an urn.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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