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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 5 five-letter words containing E, M and 2T

MATTEmatte n. (Art, photography) A decorative border around a picture used to inset and center the contents of a frame.
matte n. (Film) A background, often painted or created with computers.
matte n. (Pyrometallurgy) The molten metal sulfide phases typically formed during smelting of copper, nickel…
MOTETmotet n. A composition adapted to sacred words in the elaborate polyphonic church style; an anthem.
MOTET n. (French) a kind of unaccompanied part-song or anthem, also MOTETT.
MOTTEmotte n. A raised earth mound, often topped with a wooden or stone structure and surrounded with a ditch.
motte n. Alternative form of mott.
MOTTE n. an artificial mound upon which a castle is built.
TEMPTtempt v. (Transitive) To provoke someone to do wrong, especially by promising a reward; to entice.
tempt v. (Transitive) To attract; to allure.
tempt v. (Transitive) To provoke something; to court.
TOTEMtotem n. Any natural object or living creature that serves as an emblem of a tribe, clan or family; the representation…
totem n. The clan whose kinship is defined in reference to such an object or creature.
totem n. (Figuratively) A symbol or personification.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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