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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 14 five-letter words containing E, L, R and T

ALERTalert adj. Attentive; awake; on guard.
alert adj. (Obsolete) brisk; nimble; moving with celerity.
alert n. An alarm.
ALTERalter v. (Transitive) To change the form or structure of.
alter v. (Intransitive) To become different.
alter v. (Transitive) To tailor clothes to make them fit.
ARTELartel n. (Now historical) A Russian or Soviet craftsmen’s collective.
ARTEL n. (Russian) a Russian workers' guild.
BLERTBLERT n. (colloquial) a foolish person.
LATERlater adv. Comparative form of late: more late.
later adv. Afterward in time (used with than when comparing with another time).
later adv. At some unspecified time in the future.
LITERliter n. (American spelling) Alternative form of litre, one cubic decimeter.
LITER n. (US) a measure of capacity in the metric system, a cubic decimeter, also LITRE.
LITRElitre n. The metric unit of fluid measure, equal to one cubic decimetre. Symbols: l, L, ℓ.
litre n. (Informal) A measure of volume equivalent to a litre.
LITRE n. a unit of capacity, also LITER.
LUTERluter n. One who applies lute.
luter n. A musician who plays a lute.
LUTER n. a lute-player, also LUTANIST, LUTENIST, LUTIST.
RATELratel n. Synonym of honey badger.
RATEL n. (South African) an African badger, aka honey-badger.
RELETrelet v. To let a property again.
relet n. A property that has been let again.
re-let v. (Transitive) To let anew (as a house).
RELITrelit v. Simple past tense and past participle of relight.
RELIGHT v. to light again.
TALERtaler n. (Archaic) A talker; a teller.
taler n. (Historical) Germanic unit of currency used between the 15th and 19th centuries.
TALER n. (German) an obsolete German silver coin, also THALER.
TILERtiler n. A person who sets tiles.
tiler n. (Freemasonry) A doorkeeper or attendant at a lodge of Freemasons.
Tiler prop.n. A surname.
TYLERtyler n. Archaic form of tiler (“Masonic doorkeeper”).
Tyler prop.n. An English surname originating as an occupation for a tiler.
Tyler prop.n. A male given name transferred from the surname.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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