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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 15 five-letter words containing E, K, N and O

EIKONeikon n. Alternative spelling of icon (“religious image”).
EIKON n. (Greek) a religious carving of a saint etc., also ICON, IKON.
ENOKIenoki n. An enoki mushroom, Flammulina velutipes.
ENOKI n. (Japanese) a thin white edible mushroom native to Japan.
KEENOkeeno n. (Slang, derogatory) A pupil who works hard; a swot.
KEENO n. a gambling game, a variety of the game of lotto, played with numbered balls or knobs, also KENO, KINO, QUINO.
KENDOkendo n. A Japanese martial art using "swords" of split bamboo.
KENDO n. (Japanese) a martial art, stick fighting.
KENOSKENO n. a gambling game, a variety of the game of lotto, played with numbered balls or knobs, also KEENO, KINO, QUINO.
KNOWEknowe n. (Chiefly Scotland and Ulster) A small hill; a knoll.
knowe v. Obsolete spelling of know.
KNOWE n. a rounded hillock, also KNOLL.
KOHENkohen n. (Judaism) Alternative spelling of cohen.
Kohen prop.n. A Jewish surname from Hebrew.
Kohen prop.n. A male given name transferred from the surname.
KOINEkoine n. A lingua franca.
koine n. A regional language that becomes standard over time.
Koine prop.n. The “common” Greek language that developed and flourished between 300 B.C.E. and 300 C.E. (the time…
KRONEkrone n. The currency of Iceland, Denmark (including Greenland and the Faroe Islands) and Norway, divided into…
krone n. (Historical) The currency of German-Austria and Liechtenstein after the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian…
KRONE n. (Norwegian) a former monetary unit of Austria.
OAKENoaken adj. Made from the wood of the oak tree. Also in metaphorical uses, suggesting robustness.
OAKEN adj. like an oak.
SNOEKsnoek n. (South Africa) An edible fish, Thyrsites atun, native to South African (Cape), South American and Australian…
snoek n. (South Africa, Natal) The queen mackerel, Scomberomorus lineolatus.
snoek n. (South Africa, Transkei) Any of several species of barracuda.
SNOKESnoke prop.n. A surname.
SNOKE v. to prowl or sneak about, also SNOOK, SNOWK.
SOKENsoken n. (Historical) The ancient right (usually conferred by royalty) to hold a local court of justice and levy…
soken n. (Historical) The area over which this right was established.
soken n. (Obsolete) A place that is regularly frequented.
TOKENtoken n. Something serving as an expression of something else.
token n. A keepsake.
token n. A piece of stamped metal or plastic, etc., used as a substitute for money; a voucher that can be exchanged…
WOKENwoken v. Past participle of wake.
woken v. (Transitive, intransitive) To make or become woke or woker.
WAKE v. to rouse from sleep.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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